M3 Software Change Log Version 1.00.01 7/1/2011 -Fixed an inconsistency with the hardware detection/security mechanism. -Fixed the True Position tolerance entry screen. -Fixed an improper display of Z axis coefficients for 2-axis systems. -Fixed a floating "zoom setting" on startup inconsistency. -Fixed a playback bug for program edit steps that delete dependent parent features. -Fixed case for the use of the "auto enter countdown timer" in program playback. -Fixed display of very small angels in the Part View. -Migrated to a fixed Window placement scheme. Window location items removed from "Desktop" settings. -Added support for RS232 coefficient Send. -Added support for Spanish, French, and Italian language translation. -Improved display of the Gage Circle construction type. -Added Tangent Circle construction type for both circles(bounding), and lines(included). Version 1.00.04 8/15/2011 -Fixed a bug causing intermittent active crosshair graphic corruption after an edge teach. -Fixed the Encoder Interface(FTDI) driver delivery for the installation program. -Fixed Occurance of Scale Errors at reference marks prompt, for non-enabled axis. -Fixed Distance Renaming bug. -Fixed long Arc display bug. -Fixed a setting refresh occurance for the SLEC import function. -Fixed a rare crash scenario for Circle Pixel teach on multiple edges. -Fixed an Active Crosshair after playback display bug. -Fixed playback of Record Into of Image Archive Program Step w/annotation. -Fixed an edge direction calculation for the Eye Measure probe. -Fixed a Coefficient selection problem for annotated Live Video in edit mode. -Added Color Setup to the User Access priveleges list. -Added Error Message for .CSV export attempts to open excel sheets. -Added support for Gage Circe construction from (2) arc features. -Added Error Message for .CSV export attempts to open excel sheets. -Added print "margin size" control via metlogix.ini file parameters to accomodate A4 formats. -Updated the following language translation files: English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian. Version 1.10.00 11/11/2011 Added: -Support for the optional Field of View(FOV) options pack.(see FOV supplement). -Support for optional VED capability for Optical Edge enabled systems. -Changed the fixed simple crosshair probe system to support rotatable, translatable custom DXF crosshairs. Externally generated(DXF) custom crosshair files can also be used. -Added Traditional and Simplified Chinese language support. -The Direct Show image properties dialog will now display above the Live video image, when launched from Video Setup. -Added a new Metlogix Documents folder called “Logos and Bitmaps”. This folder location can be used, as an alternative to the Program File folder, to display custom .bmp images in the M3 software. -Added the ability to adjust edge search distance for playback, as a program property step. -Enhanced playback guidance, and sound feedback for unregistered and datum features. -Added a new report format called “European 2”. This report format only displays features with tolerances applied to them. -Added the ability to Change the default filename for data exports to the currently loaded part name. -Added data output support for the Tab Separated Variable format.(TSV). -Implemented Sticky Eye Measure probe. This probe mode is enabled automatically when in "Repeat Feature Measure" mode. -Added the ability to generate a file output NLEC report.[[NLEC]ReportFile=1]] -Added separate display resolution settings for Q Encoder DRO and Q coefficient result value. -Added the ability to specify non-datum reference features for applicable tolerance types. -Added new current position DRO to the measure prompt window. Current position can now be observed while within a feature measurement. -Added vertical button divider lines to the top and bottom toolbars. -Added a warning/confirmation dialog for New Part executions. -Added the ability to create User Messages from interactive mode. -Added new behavior for the “bottom-right to top-left” marquee selection. Only completely enclosed features will be selected. -Improved the automatic camera detection system, it now supports multiple power on sequences. -Added the ability to generate instantaneous backups of settings and correction files. -Added the ability to restore previous settings file from within the M3 software.Access can be restricted through Security Settings. -Added a new Html based help system, accessed using the "?"/Help button in the top toolbar. -Added a new translation file outpur folder called "Text" located in the Metlogix directory. Language files can be read from this new folder, or the previous program folder location. -Changed the language file naming convention to support additional character sets. The new naming convention is as follows: *[Old name/New name] English.xml/en.xml, Deutsch.xml/de.xml, Francais.xml/fr.xml, Espanol.xml/sp.xml, Italiano.xml/it.xml, (simplified/traditional chinese)???.xml/zh.xml, ???.xml/zh2.xml Fixed: -Fixed a bug that could cause arcs graphics to be displayed improperly in the part view after playback. -Fixed concentric arc selection bug for the part view. -Fixed a screen refresh bug for the deviation detail feature view. -Fixed a tolerance color refresh bug in the part view after playback. -The Active Crosshair now displays properly for datum or unregistered feature steps, in playback. -Fixed reported calibration date. -Additional support for reading .acf files using various languages of windows software. -Improved rectangle feature measurement robustness. -Light controls are now available during camera calibration routines. -Fixed a crash when saving language translation files to a Windows program files folder. -The “Crosshair” color setting is now retained across software cycles. -Improved alignment and scaling when printing the part view with report data. Version 1.10.01 12/6/2011 Added: -Added a Keyboard Launch button to the user login screen. -Added support for special case Tangent Circle subtype for Gage Circle constructions. Fixed: -Fixed Auto Focus problem for a specific hardware configuration. -Fixed a feature deselection bug from the part view. -Improved playback performance to support additional record and playback sequences. -Fixed Time printout in the Report Header. -Fixed printout of "Text Markup" annotation elements in the Part view. -Fixed "Read Options" function for field upgrades. -Fixed incorrect Date in the filename for backup files. -Fixed FOV calibration file backup system. -Fixed angle result for a special case of Explicit Angle measurements when using the Eye Measure probe. Version 1.10.02 12/12/2011 Fixed: -Fixed the polar/cartestian filter bug for the CSV style report template. Version 1.20.00 3/2/2012 Added: -Added a new taper construction for concentric circles at different Z axis heights. -Added new distance construction from (2) angle features. Distance will be constructed from angle vertex to angle vertex. -Added program playback support for features measures with the Auto Focus probe. -Removed Z position influence from program playback guidance system. -Improved program playback guidance graphics, enhancing both the guidance arrow and target position graphics. -Added RS232 Send functionality to the software. -Increased the maximum number of measured feature for a program or measuring session to 500 features. -Added additional, mappable, light control slider to the light control setup screen. Fixed: -Removed Scale Error reporting for non-enabled axes. -Fixed the Q Axis Teach routine for configuring Q axis scale resolution. -Startup.BMP file can now be utilized from the "LogosAndBitmaps" folder for setting a starup image at software load. -Fixed Keyboard Space Bar and Enter Key functionality from Part View mode. -Improved text entry speed for the feature renaming mechanism. -Improved performance and responsiveness of the countdown timer for program playback. -Fixed the display of Field of View(FOV) indicators in the partview, for program playback. -Fixed a recovery mode bug for Active Crosshair probe measurements in program playback. Version 1.20.01 3/19/2012 Added: -Added a metlogix.ini file parameter to force use of square pixels on DXF import. This setting is off by default. Fixed: -A case of duplicate characters for entering light control values with the onscreen keypad. -Fixed an order entry bug for cases of ++/-- tolerance values. Version 1.20.02 3/30/2012 Added: -Added support for Laser Pointer Output line assignment for MLX hardware. Fixed: -Fixed a software crash that could occur as a result of hiding a specific sequence of coefficient rows in the report view screen. Version 1.20.03 4/30/2012 Fixed: -Implemented a recovery mechanism for the UEC encoder hardware for unexpected software shutdown. Version 1.20.04 5/11/2012 Fixed: -Fixed a create line feature case that yielded incorrect line data. -Resolved a potential software crash for DXF export data steps referenced from "Exit" mode. Version 1.20.05 5/17/2012 Fixed: -Fixed the reporting of created line feature positions after program playback. Added: -Added support for Czech language transtaltion. Version 1.20.06 6/21/2012 Fixed: -Fixed some software instabilities introduced by using a combination of edit/rename in the report view screen. Smart Pointer de-referencing was improved. -Fixed a crash that could occur as a result of feature deletion zccording to a specific sequence. -Fixed a problem with ref mark detection, when crossing the same reference mark twice. -Fixed a problem with using the "drag-increase-decrease" function for angular feature detail values. -Fixed bug with report filters not being properly in playback for some cases. -Fixed a bug where carriage returns were not being exported in CSV format, in some cases. -Fixed a selection linkage issue in edit mode between the feature list, part view, and report view. -Fixed dxf import of blocks, and arc from polylines for the DC(FOV) option pack. Version 1.20.07 7/10/2012 Fixed: -Fixed a possible crash case for the camera skew calibration routine. -Fixed a case where Active Crosshair does not re-center after a VED edge teach. -Fixed a case where dragging the tool bounds of the EyeMeasure probe near the video window extents could cause a crash. -Fixed a case where some combinations of modal dialog windows could prevent probe firing on the Video window. -Fixed a program edit case where light control steps were being "recorded in" in the incorrect order. -Fixed a program edit case where a superfluous light control step is added to the end of the program. Added: -Added a metlogix.ini file parameter that prevents playback navigation for encoded stage system. This option can be used to force FOV system playback behavior, when encoder hardware is detected. [Options] 1=ON 0=OFF DemoStage=1 Version 1.30.00 10/16/2012 Added: -Added support for MNC(CNC) interface hardware. -Added support for M2 and M3 CNC software option. -Added the mxcncoptions program interface for programming CNC parameters. -Added new Auto Focus mode for crosshair and VED probes. -Improved pattern recognition, speed and robustness. -Improved rotation support for pattern recognition function. -Added support for DXF import and Autoprogramming. -Added support for pallet program construction. -Added support for Group Tolerancing. -Added feature finder functionality, w size parameter, accessed with long press on the "selection mode" toolbar. -Added support for line symmetry tolerance. -Added the ability to enable a "custom text" dialog that is called at each printou execution. -Added an Auto Save function, with save changes warning, that is enabled by default. Can be disabled from within "Program" settings. -Improved support for polyline features in DXF importing. -Improved consistency of warning, error, and prompting dialog box colors. -Improved program registration functionality by adding incremental registration update to the playback system for datum features within a program. -Added the ability to register part programs for playback at any rotation angle(0 to 360deg) from the original recorded part location. -Improved program editing, including multi-select mode for edit commands. -Added "Single Step" mode. Allws a program sequence to be executed one program step at a time. -Added Auto Finish capability to feature measurement. Features can be "Auto-Completed" when reaching a set number of probed points.Feature Auto Finish settings are configured in the "Measure" settings screen. -Improved Edit Mode context generation, reducing cases where context creation probing is required. -Added support for Temprorary and Permanent(CNC-Only) Fixture Modes. -Added support for manual completion of Registration Feature measurements. When enabled, registration features will not auto-finish, when reaching the required number of probe points. -Added SDK support for IDS(Ueye) USB cameras. -Added SDK support for Sentech USB camera. -Added support for ISO hole tolerances. -Added new Video Zoom menu item, enabling "zoom slected feature" from the live video view. -Language files are now read from the program root folder before the Metlogix/Text output folder. Fixed: -Fixed some cases for annotation misalignment following program playback. -Fixed light control User Interface graphic. -Fixed a smart pointer instability that can be introduced when using light control sliders. -Fixed a bug in the report view where application code could enter non-responsive state. Version 1.30.01 11/10/25/2012 Fixed: -Fixed an AutoFocus bug for some camera configurations for manual systems. -Fixed a case for report filter use in edit mode. Added: -Added the ability to execute edit program commands directly from the report view. Version 1.30.02 12/4/2012 Fixed: -Fixed missing display of the European 2 Report format from Edit mode. -Fixed display of true position deviation/nominal values from polar mode. -Fixed "Filter by Feature Type" for Program Edit mode. -Fixed a "Save As" mlxpart case where the part name is not being updated above the M3 feature list. Added: -Added Unit override in metlogix.ini for dxf import. [DxfImport] UseSystemUnits=1 Version 1.30.03 12/6/2012 -Fixed axis designation problem that affected some 3 axis board configurations. Version 1.30.04 12/18/2012 -Fixed homing sequence error for the motorized zoom homing routine at startup. -Fixed a deselect/delete feature bug that could disable the feature deletion capability. Version 1.40.00 2/15/2013 Fixed: -Fixed feature annotation bug in the partview where numerals were obstructing markup graphic. -Fixed case where construction label could become unlinked from construction type. -Repaired and added missing CNC error message text. -Fixed case where programs with multiple reference frames could calculate incorrect target positions in playback. -Fixed improperly application of probe fire delay for programs containing absolute goto position steps. -Fixed registration feature sequence that was incompatible with the Palletize function. -Fixed case where True Postion results values could be incorrectly reported when in Polar display mode. -Fixed case of missing filter features in the European 2 report type. Added: -Implemented profile feature capability for dxf entities in support of the Digital Comparator option pack.(DC Option required) -Added Profile Feature functionality including material assignment(dark/light layers), datuming, and tolerance band builder.(DC Option required) -Implemented live toggle for part and screen mode overlays in support of the Digital Comparator option pack.(DC Option required) -Added DXF overlay "nudge" funtionality, allowing overlays to be translated and rotated via keyboard arrow keys.(DC Option required) -Added moveable rotation point for dxf overlays.(DC Option required) -Added import DXF setting to allow import with Mirror X, Y or Both. -Added the ability to import nominal data from DXF file. Enabled in the Desktop Settings screen. -Added new Blob feature type, enabled in Desktop Settings. Area, Circumference, Length, Width, and Position are reprted. Most positive or Negative X or Y position are implemented as blob changetypes. -Improved pattern recognition repeatability and speed. -Added SLEC and LEC segment editor system to the SLEC Error Correction screen. -Added full pinch zoom out functionality to the Live Video image. -Added new program properties item to enable FOV playback mode on a part by part basis. FOV playback mode surpresses all playback guidance, for non-encoded video systems. -Added the ability to execute a goto position while a feature is selected. -Changed default video zoom position at startup. System always boots to zoom fit mode. -Added support for NLEC import from Auto Programmed part. Version 1.40.01 3/5/2013 Fixed: Fixed case where spline features were detaching from DXF when translating. Fixed case where toglling UCS and screen mode for DXF overlays caused some amount of DXF tranlation. Fixed open and new issues with some touch devices in Windows 8. Fixed a case where offsett region of DXF overlay could be drawn incrorectly when zone was too large. Fixed a case where the point cloud count value displayed in the fearture detail could be clipped. Removed: Removed segmented LEC/SLEC editing capability. This functionality will be reintroduced in a future release. Version 1.40.02 3/19/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a case where Windows 7/8 and M3 dialogs could be displayed underneath the Live Video frame. -Fixed a case where created features used for new reference frames features were not being played back correctly. -Fixed a feature order sort bug for Z axis that could affect proper import of SLEC calibration features. -Fixed the Field of View calibration routine. -Fixed intermittent video startup problem related to the VED security module. Version 1.40.03 4/15/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a program playback case where partial measurements were incorrectly cleared from constructions. -Fixed a case where Skew Cal could not be completed for small frame camera devices 640X480 or less. -Fixed a case where the Auto Home message for CNC systems could be displayed off-center. -Fixed a crash that could occur in report view when using filters when the edit cell button was open. -Fixed program registration case where registration features were constructed from crosshair probed features. -Fixed a case where "Disable Playback Guidance" was not functioning. -Fixed interaction with button function call that could affect DRO update rate for some systems. Version 1.40.04 6/6/2013 Added: -Added a Focus Assist Bar indicator, displayed for Active and Simple Crosshair probes. Off by default, enabled with the following metlogix.ini parameter; [Video] AFAssist=1 -Added Keyboard Function Key Mappings for the SendRS232 commands; Send X using the F5 key. Send Y using the F6 key. Send Z using the F7 key. Send XY using the F8 key. Send D using the F9 key. Send L using the F10 key. Send A using the F11 key. -Restored Reference Frame selection mechanism supporting interactive meausuring into previously saved frames. -Added a new long press function to the "Hide Rows" report functionality. Long pressing the hide rows button now hides all NON-SELECTED rows. Short press hides all selected rows. -Changed the display of Part View overlay on Live Video for tolerance results that fail. Annotation containing tolerance results will display on Live Video as RED for fail or the default color when Passed or Not Toleranced. -Added the ability to display Q Angle results as 0-360degrees. Requires the following metlogix.ini parameter; [Display] ClipQto360=1 -Added Japanese langage support. -Added the ability to display the "Play" button in the bottom toolbar. Enabled with the following metlogix.ini parameter; [Display] RunNextToEnter=1 -Changed behavior of programs played back in "FOV playback" mode. The temporary fixture dialog is no longer displayed on re-run of the program. Fixed: -Fixed a case where when editing a program properties step, the step could be improperly de-selected. Deselected property step could cause some values not to be retained. -Fixed a case where distance features tolerance results were not updating immediately after making changes to the nominal or tol limit values. -Fixed a case where annotation displayed on the live video could be corrupted when the program contained a pattern being rotated in playback. -Fixed a case where recognition of patterns exceeding ~170 degrees could draw the features incorrectled(flipped) in the part view. -Fixed an Active Crosshair recentering problem where the center position was incorrectly calculated in program playback when unregistered features are measured with the Active Crosshair. -Fixed playback of arc features constructed from circles. -Fixed a case where the program properties step could be deselected while the properties dialog remained open. Values set in this state were not properly retained. Version 1.40.05 6/26/2013 Fixed: -Fixed line direction case for autoprogramed parts that could cause part coordinate reversal. -Fixed application instability that could be initiated through light control button interaction. -Fixed case where Repeat Distance mode could not be exited via the Done button. -Fixed instance where the Live Video frame would intermittently be drawn out of scale in the large video port. -Fixed case where positive values used for the Offsett Skew function could be incorrectly applied. -Fixed crash that could occur when importing invalid feature types as part of the SLEC import routine. Added: -Introduced new stretch video mechanism improving paint rate at zoom fits and fills by as much as 2X for some camera configurations. -Added new M3 User's Guide revision to the M3 Help Button setup as a hyperlinked pdf. -Added Desktop Shortcut for new M3 User Guide. *For systems being upgraded from previous M3 versions, the folder "English_HTML" must be deleted from the M3 Measuring Software Folder in order to assign the the Help button to the new User Guide Revision. Version 1.40.06 7/16/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a case where line/skew constructions from individually probed points were executed incorrectly. -Fixed the measure distance function for "Part" mode DXF offsett calculation. -Fixed a part view printout of annotated features measurment results update bug. -Fixed a case where program fixture message was bypassed due to short and/or noisy line registration features. -Fixed a case where point nominal locations could be incorrect for parts played back at different stage locations as a result of short and/or noisy line registration features. -Fixed a 3 crash conditions that could occur from teaching large patterns on large(5+MP) camera sensors. -Changed the metlogix.ini exposure range setting for Exposure Control on the Imaging Source cameras. The new default is 1/60 or 0.017, and is set with the following parameter; [Video] MaxExposure=0.017 Added: -Added display of candidate points for features measured in playback. Version 1.40.07 8/5/2013 Fixed: -Fixed an idle state crash that existed for some hardware configurations. -Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Standard or CSV report formats, when in edit cell mode. Version 1.50.00 9/25/2013 Fixed: -Improved draw accuracy and control when using the drag mode for blob measurements. -Fixed a bug in the Optical Edge Crosshair Offsett Calibration function. -Fixed a case where the Auto Home routine could be interrupted by using the User Login Screen. Stage Home and Zoom home routines are now sequential instead of simultaneous. -Fixed a case where the Part View of an OE/VED system could produce a crash from calling the Gesture Menu. -Fixed a case where the M3 exposure setting for Imaging Source cameras was not being restored properly at software launch. -Fixed a case where mutiple copies of a dxf entity could get imported during DXF import. -Fixed case where Angle feature "Auto" annotation was drawn incorrectly when positioned at the angle interior. -Fixed a graphical glitch when opening the zoom menu when the Live Video image is displayed in the lower left viewport. -Fixed an IN/MM conversion bug in the Area calculation of Blob features. -Fixed a case of inverted arc draw on dxf import. -Fixed Added: -Added a new Program Finder list to the Programs setup screen. Add or remove previously saved part programs to the list for use with the Program Finder functionality.(CNC or Manual Systems with the DC option). -Added a new dialog for the Program Finder function. When more than one candidate program is detected from the list of candidate program finder files, a dialog will be displayed listing the programs. Operator can select desired part to load from this list. -Added a new setting to the Programs setup screen called "Minimal Acceptable Pattern Match(%)". The default is 85%. This parameter specifies the required match percentage for patterns used with the Program Finder functionality. -Added the ability to play back more than one of the same part that fit in the FOV at one time. The multipart playback execution is enabled with the following parameter in the metlogix.ini file;(CNC or Manual Systems with the DC option) [Programming] RunManyOFTheSame=1 -Added support for a programmatic DXF Overlay Probe. When loaded in interactive mode, Part and Screen Mode DXF overlays will now playback as part of program playback.(Systems with the DC option enabled). -Added support for point entry for Screen mode DXF Overlays used in program playback. -Increased the number of features supported in the M3 software from 1000 to 16,000. -Added Freeze Video Frame optimization to programs set to FOV playback mode. -Added the ability to set Auto Focus Retract and Velocity parameters on a magnification by magnification basis. New retract and velocity fields have been added to the Magnification setup screens.(CNC Systems). -Added a MLXFeedback tool executed by pressing and holding the M3 menu button for 5 seconds. MLXFeedback tool will create a single zip archive on the desktop containing critical M3 setup, part, and image files. Used for support and diagnostic purposes. -Added new loading screens for DXF import and Autoprogramming routines to improve operator feedback. -Added the ability to restore the pixel size from a Field of View calibration file. When the FOV correction is performed the pixel size is stored in the file, and can be restored to the current pixel size by pressing the "Load Resolution" button found in the FOV cal screen. -Added the ability to export the data cloud of measured features in either DXF or CSV format. Export is performed from the export menu in the report view, and is supported in program playback. -Added the ability to print the datacloud of a measured feature. The datacloud is printed by selecting the print function from the M3 menu while the feature detail view is in the large viewport. -Added the form coefficient result to the feature cloud printout. -Added the pallet pocket label(1,2) to files exported from palletized part programs.(CNC Systems) -The Set Machine Zero function executed from within Setup now also performs a zoom home. -Enabled display of the Part View overlay on the Live Video image during program playback. Version 1.50.01 10/7/2013 Fixed: -Restored a missing control button(translate/rotate) for the simple crosshair probe. Version 1.50.02 11/15/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a case where annotation graphics could be printed or displayed incorrectly after program playback. -Fixed display of the toelrance result annotation box. -Fixed missing Blob Feature A,Cir, L, and W labels in the European report view. -Fixed range feature selection case where the selection count was incorrect. -Fixed a case where dragging the marquee from within a blob meaurement could cause a crash. -Fixed Skew recall behavior that could occur when toggling between Pixel and Part mode DXF overlay modes. -Fixed the Ztrack Ring Range parameter in metlogix.ini. Added: -Introduced new annotation graphics that utilize anti-aliased graphics. -Improved Progam Finder part lookup speed. -Added new Access Right items to the security setup screen for Pixel Calibration(s). -Added Length tolerance support for group selection of distance features. -Added the latest FTDI drivers to the software installer. -Added new mxcncoption application including version number. -Added new Warning Tolerance mechanism. Features in warning range are displayed in an Orange color per the following metlogix.ini parameters; Enable by setting this to a 1: [Tolerance] UseTolWarnings=0 The threshold for decided if something needs to be warned about: [Tolerance] TolWarningThreshold=0.66 Version 1.50.03 11/22/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a case where the skew angle that is calculated within the FOV correction routine could be incorrect. -Fixed a case where the circle pixel cal and the stage pixel cal buttons are not displayed in video setup until the Security screen has been visited. Version 1.50.04 12/10/2013 Fixed: -Fixed a problem with reading mlxoptions license files with UEC Hardware. Added: -Added an ini parameter that forces the system not to record light steps with goto's. [Cnc] AddLightStepForEveryGoto=0 Version 1.50.06 2/7/2014 Added: -Added programmatic support for live video state(paused vs live). New video state program step added. Can be edited to be live or paused. -Added new 1PT LMC(Least Material Condition) Line fit type. -Added support for External Crosshair Only M3 configuration. This permits simple point entry with no VED, Optical Edge, or Live Video Image. -Installer now delivers FTDI drivers for both Windows 7 and Windows 8 Operating systems. -Added support for Alpha-Numeric character entry into the "No." field of the European Report Formats. -Added ability to expand the number of Users that can be defined in Security Setup by using the following metlogix.ini parameter; [Security] NumUsers=5 Fixed: -Fixed a bug in the Optical Edge Teach hardware write function. Version 1.50.07 4/17/2014 Added: -Made improvements to the accuracy of the edge teach location, and measure logic probe fire positions within the live video space -Added support for PDF drawing import in entity and overlay mode. Requires proper software licensing for use. -Added Hardware Serial Number validation to the "Read Settings" licensing routine. This change eliminates cases where licensing is modified from an incorrect mlxoptions.txt file. -Added new 11MicroCurrent scale signal type selection to the Axes setup screen. -Delivery of the latest FTDI interface drivers for Windows 7 and 8.(v2.10.00). -Added an ini file setting to prevent rotation beyond the 45 degree rule. Using the parameter can prevent incorrect coordinate system flip in some rare cases. [Registration] AllowRotation=0 ;The default value is 1 (yes) Fixed: -Fixed a bug where true position tolerances in Polar Mode were not applied and played back correctly. To enable data output in the currently selected coordinate system mode(cartesian or polar) add the following metlogix.ini parameter to your metlogix.ini file; [Programming] ForceCartMode=0 -Replaced missing change type button for blob features in the bottom toolbar. -Fixed a case where duplicate dxf entities could be imported when importing from the part view. -Fixed a stitch bounds playback case where points collected from very large search distances could be missed in playback. -Fixed a case where very short line segments at precisely 0 or 90 degrees, that are part of registartion, could flip the coordinate system in playback. -Fixed a case where dxf overlays could shift incorrectly when used in part mode with a negative skew angle. -Fixed a case where a secondary e-stop error was not cleared and could interrupt homing. This applies only to cases where the estop is toggled priort to M3 startup. -Fixed AutoFocus latching conflict for manual MLX configurations. Version 1.50.08 6/3/2014 -No new mxcncoptions release associated with this patch. -Fixed a bug where after teaching the MeasureLogic probe, the probe fire speed was delayed. -Fixed the Arc Drawing routine for imported DXF files. -Fixed a crash that could occur after renaming features from within Record Into mode. Version 1.50.09 7/14/2014 Fixed: -Fixed interpolation for Z axis Analog Encoder signals using MLX 3-axis manual hardware. Version 1.50.11 8/18/2014 Fixed: -Fixed scale parameter assignment for the Z axis using MLX 3-axis manual hardware for all options configurations. Version 2.00.00 10/6/2014 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR THE VERSION 2 RELEASE: **A V2 license bit will be required for all systems intending to run the M3 V2.0 software. Systems shipped from Metlogix, beginning on the release date of the version 2.0 software, will be licensed for V2 use. **The V2 software will use a new settings file name, SettingsM3v2.xml. This settings file name will be created for all new installations of the M3 V2 software. Systems being upgraded, that have an existing SettingsM3.xml will trigger a filename conversion automatically. The conversion will create a new V2 settings file from the existing V1.X settings file. **The V2 software uses a new part program extension, .mlxpart2. All programs generated with V2 software will use this new extension. Programs opened in V2 that were authored in 1.XX versions of software will trigger an automatic program conversion routine. At the time the part is opened, the system will prompt the operator indicating that the conversion has completed, and a new copy of the program will be created in the parts directory with the new .mlxpart2 extension. When this occurs the Version 1 copy of the program will remain intact, but will be moved to a new V1 Parts backup directory, located in the Metlogix folder. Additional Note about Version 1 Program Compatibility: Forward compatibility is by its very nature difficult to exhaustively test. One such area is forward compatibility of part programs. The total possible combinations of measurements, constructions, annotations, etc, while not infinite, is very close. We have created many programs using Version 1.x.x and tested their conversion and execution in V2, and so far there have been very few problems, but, just to insure there is no work stoppage for customers who upgrade, we have chosen the upgrade process mentioned above, allowing the running of both V1 and V2 “side by side”. You will not be able to run them simultaneously, but the installation of V2 will keep the settings file and V1 programs unaffected, so if any forward compatibility issues are discovered, the old programs can be run in V1 until the problem can be fixed. The upgrade will install V2 into a new program folder. When you run V2 if the program detects an existing V1 settings file, it will prompt you and give you the option to upgrade it to a V2 settings file. In the MetLogix / Settings folder a new file (SettingsM3v2.xml) will be created. M3V2 will use this new settings file. Note that calibration files are common to both V1 and V2 so no copies will be made. When you open a part, the M3V2 will normally be looking for a part file with mlxpart2 extension. Added: SETUP -Added new measurement probe refire mechanism. Set the min number and max number of points to be collected by multipoint probes for feature measurements. Set the Auto Ved Min(pts) and Auto VED Max(pts) fields in the Video Setup screen. -Added new Probe setup screen to the M3 settings screen. Add, edit, and calibrate probe tips for 3D touchprobe enabled systems. -Added new setting to Automatically Run a part when it is opened. This setting has been added to the Programs setup screen. -Added new Execution speed setting to the Programs setup screen. Fast and Maximum settings will change the refresh rate, and sound profile for program playback, in some cases increasing playback speed. -Added new Max Runs setting to the Programs setup screen. Set the number of runs you would like displayed for part programs. Set this number to 0 to store no runs for part programs(As is the case for V1 versions of software). -Added new Show Parts list item to the Programs setup screen. Show or hide the recently used programs in the M3 menu. -Added the ability to specify a Joystick button to "Goto Here" CNC functionality in Mxcncoptions. -Added new Bright Frame Cal button to the video setup screen. This button allow you to execute a frame display calibration to provide more uniform illumination across stitched images. -Added new "Flat" shape calibration type for use as default shape correction for large FOV systems. -Added new edit table to the SLEC calibration screen. Segments can now be added, removed, and edited individually. -Added support for dual layer NLEC correction. A new button is displayed in the NLEC correction screen called "Import 2nd". Use the Import 2nd button to import the "Upper Z" map data. -Released a new MNC driver for CNC systems.(v2.76). This new driver version supports additional host controllers, and some small Win 8.1 fixes. USER INTERFACE -Added new User Message "grey-out" scrim to the software. All M3 dialogs now create grey scrim in the background application window to improve message contrast and visibility. -Changed the default program playback sequence by removing the "End of Playback" dialog box, and instead ending playback in the program results view. -Added new Recently Opened Programs list to the bottom of the M3 system menu. Clear the list by disabling, and then re-enabling the Show Recent List, in Desktop Settings. -Moved the Onscreen Keypad for the CNC GotoDialog. Onscreen Numeric keypad will appear within the CNC dialog, instead of the bottom of the feature list. -Unified the Part View and Live Video annotation modes. Annotation for Live Video is no longer bound by the current annotation session. Annotation performed in either the Part View or the Live Video can be viewed in both the Part View(Using the Part View Overlay Function) and Live Video. -Removed the Print Button from the bottom toolbar while in Live Video annotation mode. Printing of Live Video Annotation can now be performed with the print button found in the main M3 menu. -No longer automatically executing an edit step when selecting program steps. Program Steps, except for the Program Properties, now require a long press to execute an edit of that step. -Added new "zeroing" button shading to the small feature detail window coefficients. The grey shaded buttons indicate the expected zeroing coefficients. -Added new Exit part button to the M3 menu when a part is loaded. Exit part behaves the same as the Exit part button that had previously existed in the End of Playback blue dialog box. -Removed the Gesture menu functionality in support of the new 3D part view mode. -Removed the Part View Map functionality in support of the new 3D part view mode. -Added new Approach and Departure clearance move buttons to edit mode, for features measured with a touch probe. These buttons allow you to disable and enable the automatically generated clearance moves for touch probe measurements. -Pattern features are no longer displayed in the part view. This can be enabled using the metlogix.ini parameter found in the metlogix.ini section below. -Changed part view "feature selected" indication from rotating dashed lines to a solid line pulse to improve visual experience. -Added quick shortcut functionality to the Auto Run button. Long press the Auto Run button to gain direct access to the Program Finder screen. FUNCTIONALITY -Added support for touch probe input, supporting single probe stili, including star probes. -Added new 3D feature types, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, and Plain. New 3D feature button(cube) will be displayed in the bottom toolbar for 3D enabled systems providing access to the new 3D features types. -Added taper angle(T) tolerance for Cone features. -Added new 3D part view for 3D enabled systems. Long press the Part View Zoom button to enable alternate 3D zoom modes. Long press the view cube(top right of PV), or use the keyboard CTRL key to enable 3D part view rotation mode. -Added new Probe Path Data program step for Touch Probe enabled systems. The Probe Path program step allows you to specify Probing and non probing velocity as well as Approach, Search, Clearance, and Retract distances for probing steps. -Added support for image stitching and "SuperImage" measurement to manual and CNC systems. Access image stitch functionality(rectangular collection and freeform collection) using the image stitch button in the top toolbar. -Added new pattern find functionality when utilized within a stitched "SuperImage". Patterns within a superimage will provide an update of registration for only those measurements that occur within the stitched image. The previous program registration resumes once the superimage is released. -Added the ability to open and run previously recorded programs on a "SuperImage". -Integrated Digital Comparator overlay functionality within the "SuperImage". -Added a program run database to the system for viewing, analyzing, and reporting part program run history. The program "runs" interface utilizes a "tabbed" viewing mode for navigating run results. -Added a Pivot mode to the new results view. Pivot mode allow the display of a selected features results across all, or a selection set of runs. -Added a new Statistics results view mode, including Min/Max/Range/Average, and 6Sigma. Statistics can be viewed for a Pivot Mode results group, or for All Run Results, or a selection of run results. -Added support for Eye Measure probe data in program playback. Scan direction, color designation, and search distance(tool width), will now be stored in the feature measurement and utilized for point collection in playback. -Added a new program properties item to set the end of playback viewtype to Results, Part View, or Live Video view. -Added new program properties item to set program playback mode to Permanent Fixture mode. --When Permanent Fixture mode is being used, added the ability to re-record the registration position for that permanent fixture. In program properties, press the Register Fixture button to identify a new Permanent Registration location for the loaded part. -Added new program properties item to provide the ability to enable "Multiple Part in the FOV Playback" for Field of View part programs. -Added new report template editor. The template editor is accessed by pressing the (+) button in the report view, while in interactive mode. Customize and save column selection, width, and order as well as dividing lines, row height and variable display for any of the (4) available report templates. -Added ability to set Landscape or Portrait print modes as part of the template editor. -Added new Motion Monitor system to FOV enabled systems allowing automatic switching to the Video Image when movement occurs in the the video frame. -Added new Auto Run Mechanism to FOV configured systems. Auto Run uses the new Motion Monitor system, along with the Program Finder, to enable automatic part recognition and playback when placing parts in the FOV. -Changed playback of FOV program that begin with a pattern feature so that the pattern fires immediately upon pressing play. -Added multiple part display to the Part View for programs using "Multiple Parts in the FOV" playback mode. -Added new Quick Tolerance preset buttons to the data view. By default (3) preset value buttons are added to the bottom toolbar. Long press these button values, to specify a new preset value for the button. -Added new Select Similar function to the data view. Highlight any feature coefficient by clicking on it(turns pink), and then press Select Similar. All matching coefficient instances will be auto selecting, enabling fast tolerance and nominal application. -Added support for predatuming within an Auto Program from DXF routine. Generate a registration interactively on your part, and then import DXF into that coordinate system for Auto Programing the playback routine. -Added Step and Repeat functionality to the Program Edit mode. Select one or more program steps in edit mode, and press the step and repeat edit button. The Step and Repeat dialog allows the operator to set the number of rows, and columns, and the step spacing for the "Step and Repeat" program step selection. -Changed the Done behavior for the Goto Dialog. Done no longer executes the goto to the entered position. -Added new Move To button to the CNC goto dialog when in Edit mode. Use this button to goto entered location. Pressing Done will no longer execute the Goto during editing. -Added new pattern keypoint editor. Pattern feature point clouds can be edited in interactive or edit mode by pressing on the pattern feature stamp within the feature detail screen. Remove active keypoints(yellow) by clicking on them. Points are Red when removed. -Removed the Standard report template from the template list. New template customization capability have made this format redundant. -Added new interactive and playback data export dialog. Long press the export menu from the data view to call the new custom export dialog. New dialog provides access to the export setting as part of program playback. -Added new "display bitmap image with User message" functionality. A new "Image" button can be found in the User Message dialog window. Press this button to browse, and select a bitmap image file to be displayed with the User Message. -Added the ability to set a variable within the User Message step. Enter any non numeric label into the Duration field of the User Message dialog to convert the message dialog to an ask prompt for defining that variable. The variable result can be displayed in the results view, added to a template for export, or printed in the report headers and footers. V2 METLOGIX.INI PARAMETERS [Desktop] ShowStitchButton=1 ;On by default. Set to "0" to hide the stitch button and remove the stitch functionality from the system. [PartView] ShowPatternFeature=0 ;Off by default. Set to "1" to display pattern features in the part view. [Video] MotionThreshold=25 ;How large the change values must be for motion to have occurred MotionTimeout=2000 ;In Milliseconds, How long to wait after motion has occurred to pattern rec. MXCNCOPTIONS v2.0 Added Touch Probe setup page. Fixed: -Removed the display of DXF control buttons while the Simple Crosshair is displayed. -Improved the 3 point plane calculations to make them more robust. -Fixed cases where the cursor could not be positioned within Custom Text dialog text fields. -Fixed cases where the "insertion arrow" moved to the incorrect program steps while executing a record into. -Fixed 2 cases where True Position tolerance while in Polar Mode could report incorrectly. -Fixed nominal entry of TP tolerance in Polar mode. -Fixed case where the on screen numeric keypad did not clear properly when exiting an edit light control step. -Fixed a case where renaming a feature while in a record into execution could cause a crash. -Fixed bug where the second of two user messages in playback is not displayed. Version 2.00.01 10/9/2014 Fixed: -Fixed a crash that could occur during image stitching when running from the Windows Program Files directory. -Fixed a Red Blue color inversion that occured when sampling frames for a stitchied superimage. -Fixed a bug in the part re-registration code that prevented playback of programs when re-registered at new stage or FOV positions. Version 2.00.02 11/4/2014 Fixed: -Fixed Auto Focus hardware disconnect bug that could cause hardware interuption during Auto Focusing on some system. -Fixed a case where Program Registration from a pattern could be lost after multiple stage registration locations. -Fixed a Concentricity and Form Tolerances of 3D features. -Fixes Primary Registration problems in Touch Probe part programs that could affect playback at new stage positions. -Fixed the z position component for the guidance arrow when using stitching to collect images. -Fixed Auto Programming reordering mechanism to support renaming, constructions, and tolerancing for dxf features, prior to auto programming. -Fixed Stats item toggle in Pivot Mode -Fixed playback of archived images so that the updated registration corrects the archive position in program playback at new stage positions. -Fixed a crash that could occur when performing an undo within datum feature measurements. -Fixed the Video Properties dialog for the Imaging Source camera so that it displays above the application window when launched. Added: -Added Horizontal scrolling of the pivot, runs, and stat modes. -Added Run Tabs interface to the Part View. -Restored the ref frame selector while in “record-into” mode. -Added support for exporting Statistic results with the pivot mode dat -Restored the Box and Text markup features to annotation mode. -Program Playback of simple crosshair measurements no longer requires that the stage be within the playback target position to enter points. -Added support for printing Part View Annotation when the Part View is printed in the header of a report. Version 2.00.03 12/12/2014 Fixed: -Fixed a case where some auto program sequences that use a "pre auto program" registration could result in an incorrect program path for the first autoprogrammed feature. -Fixed a case where symmetry lines could be incorrectly calculated based on line direction. -Fixed the ISO tolerance form so that ISO tolerance groups can now be selected. -Fixed a case where the "Equal Circumference" circle construction from a blob was incorrectly calculated. -Fixed a crash that is caused by pressing the create button that is improperly displayed after an Offsett Skew is performed. Fixed by removing the "superfluous" create feature button. -Fixed the NLEC import function to work with the new Runs database system in V2. -Fixed the population of the map Offsett in the SLEC error correction form. -Fixed FOV correction for superimages. -Restored missing text for tooltip button text items. -Fixed a case where previously collected stitches of a superimage were not cleared from the code memory. -Fixed missing on-screen numeric pad in the User Login screen. -Fixed a crash that occurred when executing an Undo while in a Datum Feature measurement. -Fixed case where Digital Zoom startup type was reset to Zoom Fit on a new part execution. -Fixed the Zoom to Feature function in the Live Video Zoom options menu. -Fixed the Stats Toggle buttons in Pivot Mode so that the correct statistic is hidden/displayed. -Fixed the display of created angles in the part view. -Fixed a case where Stats Mode could be defaulted to "on" for a new part program, when it was previously used in the same software session. -Fixed the scrolling of the Reference Feature list in the tolerance entry screens of tolerances that support a reference feature. -Fixed the length of the guidance arrow for rectangular stitch collection to make it more visible. -Fixed the printout of the partview after Run 2 so that annotation is properly aligned and displayed. -Fixed functionality of the "Restore Calibrated Light Levels" button. -Fixed a crash that occured when the Max Runs setting in Program Setup was set to "0". -Fixed display of button graphics for the "Set Pallet Skew" mode. -Fixed the Show Path button for Auto Program Mode. -Fixed coefficient zeroing mechanism for 3D point features where Y an Z coefficient zeroing could be incorrect. -Fixed a bug where the 3D part view rotation could be performed on a 2D system, when the top right corner of the Part View was pressed or clicked on. Added: -Optimized stitch speed for faster super image collection. -Added a new default maximum number of stitches that can be collected, default is 12 stitches. -Added new metlogix.ini parameter that allows you to set the maximum number of stitches that can be collected for a given superimage. A warning message is displayed when the limit is reached. [Stitch] MaxStitches=12 -Added support for stitch Z position in program playback. -Restricted the image type to Bitmap Only for the User Message Image Selection dialog to prevent improper selection if unsupported image type. -Restored the "Overwrite Existing File" warning dialog when renaming part programs to the same name. -Added new Power Assist mode to CNC playback of Simple Crosshair measurements. System gotos are now executed for all simple crosshair point entry positions in playback. -Changed the program playback registration code so that midpoints, constructed from other points, are now considered valid for registration. Version 2.00.04 2/25/2015 Fixed: -Repaired the Point to Arc distance construction. This contruction had been missing since 2.00.00. -Fixed the printout of the feature datacloud, from the feature detail view. -Fixed improper point calculation when calibrating a touch probe tip using a Ring Gage. -Fixed measure logic firing sequence for large stitched images. Accuracy and reliability for measure logic firing on superimages has been improved. -Fixed inconsistent behavior from the Eye Measure probe on large stitched images. -Fixed the reported position of Screen Mode DXF overlays. -Fixed case where Overlays containing profile features could rotate when pinning and unpinning the overlay. -Fixed the export of operator entered variable data in CSV output files. -Fixed a case where the correct superimage is not called on the first playback of a part program. Incorrect superimage call can result in incorrect pattern fire on the superimage. -Fixed Zoom Position restore when exiting Stitch mode. -Fixed relative goto moves when the Touch Probe is selected, and a VED/TouchProbe crosscal is in place. -Fixed crash that can occur when exiting the M3 application while a superimage is displayed, and a Direct Show camera is being used. Added: -Added support for a B Rotary motorized table via the Q Axis CNC Axis. -Connected the Program Property loop step to the runs database. Playback results from runs within a loop now populate independent results tabs. -Added the ability to use imported dxf features without using Auto Programming. After opening dxf features, pressing cancel from the Auto Program dialog, will bypass Auto Programming, and treat the dxf features as created features. -Enabled measurements for M3 Crosshair Only mode. MXCNCOPTIONS v2.00.08 -Added new parameters to support the B Rotary Axis. -Changed the unit for Touch Probe Retract Velocity. Velocity is now defined as percent of max, 0-100%. -Changed the unit for Retract Distance. Unit is now MM. Version 2.00.05 3/18/2015 Fixed: -Fixed startup scale error that occured on first power on software session for the 4-axis manual board(out of production since 2013). -Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving the system in results pivot mode, and then interacting with the part view. -Fixed a Crash that could occur when loading part programs from the recent programs list. -Fixed gage circle constructions for cases where parent lines are along differnt axes. -Fixed a crash that could occur when resizing the EyeMeasure probe to bounds beyond the video space, and then manipulated the scan direction. -Fixed edge finding playback behavior for the EyeMeasure probe when used in color, and direction modes. Color and direction information could be improperly retained as a result. -Fixed a case where superimages collected in free form mode were not cleared from stitch memory correctly. -Fixed recovery mode for Auto Focus measurement steps in program playback. -Fixed run result totals for pallet program playback. -Fixed pocket select/deselect for large pallet dialogs. -Fixed touch probe measurements for program edit functions. -Fixed motorized zoom index for part program context generation when editing part programs. -Fixed Continue Playback on Failure functionality(enabled in the Program Settings screen). Version 2.00.06 4/22/2015 Fixed: -This release addresses 2 issues with VED in program playback. This release is a recommended customer update as both of these changes can positively affect the performance of their systems. -Improved playback accuracy on edges where one side had some “texture/noise”. These changes to the edge recognition will improve rejection of false edges. -Edge detection change for playback of low contrast edges, where the threshold for accepting an edge was too low. -Fixed a flashing behavior in the Part View of Optical Edge enabled systems. -Fixed light control context generation for DXF overlay files in program playback. Light levels are now correctly recorded for opened overlay files. -Fixed a registration sequence for programs a skew line is constructed from parallel lines. The normal registration logic will now apply to this sequence. -Fixed a case where the Super Admin user type could be locked out of Access Right settings. Fixed by removing the capability of the Super Admin to set Access Rights for the Super Admin. -Fixed a case where line and angle features in the European 2 report template reported bot an Angle coefficient and a Theta coefficient, when toleranced for angle. Only the Angle coefficient is reported now. -Fixed a case where annotation could be repositioned in the part view in playback based on the playback datum position. -Increased the default value for the Pattern Model Match routine, improving pattern detection consistency in single and multi part playback. -Fixed missing and misaligned tooltips text. -Fixed case where performing program edit functions would result in the feature list resetting to the top of the list. -Fixed the "min points required for measurement" for features that require multiple FOV's to measure. -Fixed a case where program playback steps were not causing the program steps list to scroll correctly. -Fixed feature list selection consistency, and re-scroll cases to improve editing experience. -Fixed a case where after performing a re-measure edit step, and then executing a play from here on that remeasured feature, an incorrect goto poisiton was generated. -Fixed a problem with record into when the part is positioned somewhere other than the original recorded position. "Recorded-In" features are now correctly positioned for this case. -Fixed printout of horizontal divider lines in printed reports. -Fixed a case of incorrect automatic clearance move calculation for point features. -Fixed a pre-datum Auto Program case where sorting was incorrect when a skew construction from 2 parent features was used in the pre-datum. -Fixed a case where the last part found, during multi part FOV playback, did not display the annotation in the Part View. -Fixed display of run date and run time in csv exports. -Fixed a case where large dxf feature count selection in the part view, using marquee select, could slow the system to an un-usable state. -Fixed a case where Plane features recorded into an existing program could not be completed. Added: -Added support for the new Metlogix 5 Button joystick. -Changed the name of the "Datum Pattern" to the "Registration Pattern", to be more descriptive. -Added new item to the report template edit list called Feat Guid. This new data column will display a globally unique ID number(GUID) to each feature in each run. -Added new touch probe indicator graphic to the part view. -As a convenience the Probe Menu is now available in the bottom toolbar when in the Part View. -Added new setup item to the Touch Probe setup screen called Touch Probe View Switching(off by default). When enabled selecting a video probe will switch to live video, and selecting a touch probe will switch to the part view. -When in the Part View, and a Touch Probe is selected, stage movement will no longer return to Live Video. -Using ClipQTo360 parameter to format the Q axis for 0-360, will now also change the Rotary B axis to 0-360. -Updated the ISO tolerance data according to ISO SPEC 286-2(2010). -Changed the Feature Preset Function in the feature detail screen to prevent accidental preset. Presetting now requires a long pressin the feature coefficient field in feature detail view. -Added new keyboard shortcut key "D" = Done. Where Done is the toolbar Done Button for measurements. -Added the ability to set the color of the FOV calibration crosshairs and error wiskers(in RGB values) using the following metlogix.ini parameter; -Added support for the new Metlogix 5-Button joystick(requires CNC firmware or later). [Video] FOVNominalColor=0, 255, 0 FOVErrorColor=255, 0, 0 -Added new diagnostic feature(enabled in metlogix.ini) to VED probe firing in playback, off by default. The new diagnostic tool displays stitch firing graphics in playback to assist in observing the actual stich fire, and the result of that firing. ---Red Stitch=No Edge Found, Green Stitch=Edge Found, and grandient match passed, Cyan Stitch=Edge Found, gradient match failed. [Video] DebugFireDraw=0 (0=off, 1=on) DebugFireDelay=40 (Delay between draw of each firing, in Milliseconds) Version 2.00.07 6/2/2015 Fixed: -Fixed annotation of Blob features in the part view. -Fixed plane perpendicularity calculation. -Run Time in the Report View no longer counts the time up continuously in the report template. -Stitch steps at the start of a program now correctly record light context. -Fixed probing direction for slot features in 3D systems when using the touch probe. -Fixed apex construction from Cone features. -Fix a red bar and crash that occurred when Recording Into a plane feature in edit mode. -Zero value touch probe clearance distance now functions correctly to disable the automatic clearance moves. -Fixed automatic clearance move direction for all point features in all projection planes. -Fixed feature list scroll behavior that could occur on select/deselect of features. -Fixed playback of circles with the Maximum Inscribed fit type selected. -Fixed case where goto moves, after the first goto move, that are imbedded in a feature measurement, were not converted to program playback correctly. Added: -The open part dialog no longer requires the extension(.mlxpart2) in the open part dialog.This mechanism improves support for barcode scanners. Version 2.00.08 6/23/2015 Fixed: -Fixed tangent line construction subtypes when from arc parents. Added: -Added support for additional keyboard shortcuts. Off by default. [Shortcuts] On=1 Create=K Point=P Line=L Circle=C Distance=D Angle=A Slot=S Rectangle=R Datum=Z Skew=W if Z axis: Plane=E if 3d: Cone=N Cylinder=Y Sphere=H if digital comparator: Profile=F if show blob: Blob=B if v3: Stats=T if [Hardware]ZeroOnInputs=1: ZeroDro1=1 ZeroDro2=2 ZeroDro3=3 ZeroDro4=4 Y= button answers Yes and N= No when at a Yes/No Prompt. R= Run(Play) Done= Quit= -Added new color filter function to improve edge detection for systems with monochrome bottom illumination in the RGB scale. Particulary when the color occupies one band predominantly. [Video] RGBFilter=R,G,B (Example for a pure green backlight 0,1,0 is used) -Added new pixel saturation display mechanism. Off by default. [Video] Washout=0 -Added new alternate motion detection algarithm for the Auto Play mechanism. This routine disables the motion detection attempt that uses the Histogram of the image, and uses an edge based part detection instead. Histogram mode is the default. [Video] MotionUniformHist=1 Mxcncoptions.exe v2.00.08 Fixed: -Fixed a bug when configuring the button assignment for button 3 on the metlogix joystick. Version 2.00.09 8/11/2015 Fixed: -Added a new Thread Locking routine to the system to prevent a controller disconnect that could occur durng very slow goto moves. Version 2.00.10 9/15/2015 Fixed: -Fixed a case where large stitch regions could cause a memory failure and crash(software exit). Added a memory bounds and parameter check, that will now display a message if the image is too large. -Fixed Securtiy Settings access rights for users added above User 6(via MaxUsers ini parameter). Factory and System options are no longer exposed for these additional users. -Fixed import and conversion routine for upgrading V1 part files to V2 part files. -Fixed incorrect Measure Registration Pattern text after a pattern measurement. -Fixed incorrect touch probe clearance direction calculations for some features in alternate planes. -Fixed missing 3D feature coefficients in the CSV template editor. -Fixed incorrect ordering of DXF file overwrite dialog when overwriting an existing dxf file. The dialog is now modal, and displays correctly. -Fixed a case where the keyboard shortcut R=Run, was not running the currently loaded part. -Fixed missing text in the 3D feature detail screen. -Fixed the Taper Tolerance for program playback. Taper tolerance for cones is now retianed in program playback. -Fixed a cosmetic issue the display of the Touch Probe sub-menu. -Fixed scaling and positioning of the annotation when printed in program playback. A part program skew and datum is required to ensure proper annotation alignment after playback. -Fixed display position for the contact probe submenu on the screen. -Fixed a bug in the M3 translation module where text xml files were not opened correctly from the Metlogix/Text subdirectory. -Fixed a crash that could occur when attempting to execute M3 Settings Backup routines at startup when the target location was not available. The system now displays an error message indicating the target directory is not available. -Fixed edit mode toolbar button for the resume playback function. -Fixed playback of AF Region of Interest(ROI) size for Auto Focus point measurements probed with either the simple or active crosshairs. The recorded ROI size will now be used in program playback. -Fixed DRO coefficient zeroing when a stitched image is displayed. The feature no longer de-selects. -Fixed large feature count dxf handling, specifically within the autoprogramming routine. -Fixed recovery mode for failed playback execution of blob measurements. Recovery mode is now entered normally. -Fixed display of digits for SPC results when using pivot mode, or when adding stats results to a report. Values are now formatted properly. -Fixed partview drawing when a report is generated containing the partview in the footer area. -Fixed a case where toolbar buttons could become unresponsive. Added: -Added new flashing display to the program edit status bar when in "Record Into" mode to more clearly indicate mode. -Added support for (4) new 3D constructions. Distance between Planes, Distance from Points to Planes, Angles between Planes, Line projected normal to a plane. -Added support for add probe points functionality for bore features in Touch Probe enabled systems. Bore features measured with a contact probe can option to add additional probe points, beyond the seed points. Total points are reprobed under CNC control. -Added the ability to UNDO a pattern measurement. -Added support for part program automatic "run zeroing". Entering a negative Max Runs value in programs properties will cause all runs to be cleared upon opening a part program. The negative number used will also function as a max number of runs to be collected for that playback session. -Added new feature results mechanism for feature measurements that are "skipped" in program playback by use of the "Continue playback on failure" option in the Program Settings screen. All feature coefficients for skipped features will appear as "----". -Added the ability to delete or rename variable columns when editing a report template. Select the variable column in edit mode and press rename to rename, or delete to delete. -Added alternate Symmetry Tolerance calculation for cases where the paired probe points overlap requirement is not met. In this case the tolerance of the fit feature is returned. -Added support for Polar Mode goto's. When Polar display mode is selected, all interactive and edit mode goto dialogs will use Polar Mode coordiante entry. -Added new Pdamp enable/disable to systems using TP200 type touch probes. -Added two new functions to the supported keyboard shortcuts. U=Undo, D=Done. -Removed 3D part view rotator icon from part view printouts. -Added support for printing the 3D part view at "oblique" view rotations. The 3D rotation displayed on the part view screen should get printed "as seen" when printed either interactively, or in playback. -Added support for removal of the contact probe head module within an M3 software session. -Added Korean lanuage button.(Added only to allow the translation file to be generated. This version does not yet provide orean language support). -Improved pattern finding by decreasing the number of points that could be skipped for large keypoint cloud patterns. -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to enable programs to share a common permanent fixture reference. Part programs that share a name with a fixture file will provide the ability to update the permanent fixture location for programs assigned to that fixture file. [Programming] UseFixtureNames=0 (0=Off/1=On) -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to allow disabling of the color display of features in the partview, when they are displayed as multiple part playback results. When the ini is used all features will be black for Passed or Red for Failed. [PartView] UseDifferentRunColors=1 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to convert all Red color Error dialog to a grey color. [Options] Demo=0 (0=Red, 1= Grey) -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to supress automatic display of the Windows On-Screen Keyboard, when text entry fields are active. [Desktop] OskPopUp=1 (1=Display Keyboard, 0=Do not display keyboard) Version 2.00.11 9/30/2015 Fixed: -Fixed a crash that could occur in FOV Mode systems as a result of the "Return to Live Video from Motion" function. -Fixed an unhandled pointer case for the Ref Frame Lock/Unlock function. Version 2.10.00 1/18/2016 Fixed: -Fixed ~1 pixel shift that could occur when rotating DXF overlay files around the X or Y axis in Pinned mode. -Changed the playback of single point autofocus points performed with the active crosshair. Playback no longer tests gradient error of the edge improving playback of AF points in variable surface lighting conditions. -Fixed multi select mode bug when editing cells directly in the report views. Selection and deselction now occurs normally. -Fixed red bar error that could occur when editing nominal and tolerance cells in the report view. -Fixed display of User Message when configured to either "Centered" or "Measure Window". User message is no longer displayed in both locations when set to be displayed in the measure window. -Added ability to clear User Message when it is displayed in the Measure Window by clicking on the message itself. -Fixed case where BMP image is added to a User Message that is displayed in the Measure window. The BMP is now displayed. -Fixed incorrect zeroing of the B axis position that occured when zeroing the Q VED crosshair position. -Fixed the case where exiting "record into" mode discards the nominal and tolerance values entered for that newly recorded in feature. -Fixed missing tooltips text for the tolerance symbols in the toolbar. -Fixed incorrect projection calcualtion for probed distances in a 2D system. -Fixed returning to a stitched superimage from the feature detail/edit pattern cloud screen. The superimage is no longer cleared when retrning to live video in this case. -Fixed a case where the on-screen numeric keypad could exit feature detail view. -Fixed printout of the Partview(with a report) when set to print in the report footer. -Fixed case where dxf files containing large breaks in entity contiguity could cause a crash on applying a tolerance. Added: -Added support for Profile Feature measurement capability. This Factory Option is protected by license, and when enabled also contains the Digital Comparator(DC) functionality. -In support of new profiling functionality the longpress on the DXF probe with a profile construction selected no longer direct converts to an overlay. The profile should be exported as a dxf and then opened with the standard open overlay procedure. -Changed the Long Press zeroing position of Screen Mode(unpinned) dxf overlays and profile tools. The system will now center the bounding region of the dxf entities around the screen pixel center position. The unpinned dxf "snap centering" no longer uses the datum from the dxf for its positioning. -Full frame image archive(long press on disk icon) now uses the same archiving settings(auto number, overwrite, etc) as the standard image archive. -Added support for feature renaming using foreign language keyboards. -Added support for the custom Export Function(long press on export button) to the Run Results mode. -Added support for recording in a part view printout step in edit mode. -Implemented the first phase of the MLX Connect Automation SDK. -Added new metlogix.ini file parameter to control default state of Permanent Fixture mode. [Programming] PermanentFixture=0 0=Normal/1=Default to Permanent -Added new metlogix.ini file parameter to support RS232 export to clipboard functionality. When enabled all RS232 Send strings will go to the clipcoard. [RS232] ToClipboard=1 -Added new metlogix.ini file parameter to support feature names longer than 10 characters. [Features] MaxNameLength=10 -Added new metlogix.ini file parameter to allow allow automatic selection of a response to the temporary fixture dialog. [Programming] SamePositionPrompt=1 1=Normally enabled prompt;0=Disables prompt and assumes "Yes"(part in same position);2=Disables prompt and assumes "No"(part has changed positions) Version 2.10.01 3/15/2016 *If missing DLL errors occur when launching this version of M3 it may be necessary to install the 2015 Microsoft C++ Redistributable package. The installers for these packages will be delvered to the Program Filesdirectory along with the M3 software. IMPORTANT NOTE for CNC Touch Probe Users: -This M3 release introduces support for circular path touch probe moves, supported in both the add points and CNC playback routines. This functionality requires an update to both the MNC Driver(2.90) and MNC Firmware( of the attached CNC controller. MNC140 CNC Hardware driver v2.90 is packaged with this installer. Please contact your Metlogix product representive regarding CNC firware updates. Fixed: -Fixed cases where some foreign language keyboards did not work for character entry(feature renaming) and file import. -Fixed missing red point measurement indicators in the Live Video window, after using the pattern keypoint edit screen. -Fixed memory leak in part programs containing pattern measurements. -Improved memory management when closing and opening part programs. -Fixed report printout bug that caused unnecessary space to be reserved at the top of report pages after the first page. -Fixed printout of the Part View with the Report when set to print in the Footer. -Fixed improper display of the Level Plane warning message dialog in 3D systems, both interactively and in program playback. -Made the CSV output format more consistent with the CSV format standard, including parenthesis placement and space padding. -Fixed import nominal values from DXF file routine. Nominal import of Radius and Diameter values and their corresponding deviation has been restored. -Fixed a bug in the use of the Auto Focus Mode Eye Measure probe where a direction and color are specified. -Fixed incorrect scrolling of the feature list in program playback. The feature list now scrolls along with the program playback step. -Fixed reference frame recall failure in program playback. Features in program playback that were measured in reference frames previous to the current reference frame could be played back in the incorrectly. -Fixed case where a non XY projection could result from a point probed with the simple crosshair. All simple crosshair point results are now in the XY plane. -Fixed a case where an image stitch executed from the Part View could cause corruption of the Live Video frame. -Fixed an incorrect rotary offsett calculation when adding goto rotary commands. -Fixed a case where programmed image stitch steps were reordered to the start of a program. -Fixed program registration update system. Datum operations performed on features following the original program registration will be used toward the update of program registration. A new Skew and Datum must be established to update the registration. -Fixed incorrect alternate fit calculations for Circles and Planes probed with a Touch Probe. Min Superscribed, Max Inscribed and MMC fits have been fixed for circle features, and Best Form has been fixed for Plane Features. Added: -Added circular moves to the add probe points routine for boss circles, arcs and cylinders. -Added the ability to translate the Simple Crosshair and the Eye Measure Probes in the Live Video window. Hold the Alt key on the keyboard to enable X Y translation of the probes by 1 pixel. Hold Alt+Shift to enable X Y translation by 5 Pixels. -Added new selection items in color setup to allow control of the color used for the +tol and -tol graphic lines of a profile feature in the part view. -Added support for the Palletize function for Manual encoded systems. -Added the ability to print a report of measurement results in the Pivot/Statistics view. -Added new point construction from distances to assist with creating a reference position from distance results. A point constructed from a distance will result with a point at the midpoint of the distance feature. -Added new average distance construction. Constructing a distance from 3 or more distance features will result in the average distance result of the parent distance features. -Added new function that connects the "Use % of FOV" setting(in Video Setup) to the collection of profile points that extend outside the Field of View. -Added numeric entry field to the Z Track Ring Light User Interface. Specific Z Track positions can now be entered into this field to assist in acheiving specific Z Track Ring positions. -Added support for the UniKey dongle as an additive licensing device for the MLX hardware. -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to enable Profile Whisker filter functionality. Once enabled a new button will be added to the bottom toolbar for removing fit points from a profile measurement after program playback. Fit results are recalculated immediately after whisker removal. -Improved consistency of the playback of some construction sub-types. The construction nominal position is checked in playback to determine the most appropriate construction type. [Profile] FilterAfterRun=1 Version 2.10.02 3/21/2016 Fixed: -Restored Simple Crosshair translation/rotation functionality. Fixed a Read File failure that occured with the simplecrosshair dxf, when running from the program files directory. Version 2.10.03 6/16/2016 Fixed: -Max Stitch check for superimages is now correctly checking the metlogix.ini parameter, and the max system memory available. -Fixed the Max Distance calculation for concentric blob features. -Fixed crash that could occur when adding both a Symmetry tolerance and Angle tolerance to the same feature. -Fixed interactive add points routines for plane and line features in alternate projection planes(alternate to XY). -Fixed crash that could occur when performing rapid dxf feature deletion via keyboard delete key. -Fixed a case where pass/fail color was not immediately updated after playback in the small feature detail window and in part view annotation. -Fixed incorrect display of the angle feature graphic in the partview when angle change type is used to switch to display angle compliments. -Fixed a case where Step and Repeat did not update tolerance reference features correctly. -Fixed a crash that could occur when a Q Axis encoder resolution was set to "0". -Fixed consistency of the Pause/Live video frame button in program playback and when loading bmp and jp2 files. -Fixed playback of recorded goto positions within and between registration features when the part is at a new stage position. -Fixed a case where features newly recorded into a part program, and not immediately saved, caused a red bar and halt in program playback. -Fixed playback of features probed with a touch probe in the positive Z axis direction. -Fixed a bug in the pattern recognition rotation function that could cause registration failures for models very near 180 degree rotation from their original position. -Fixed the display of the pattern image in the feature detail view. -Fixed the pattern edit screen boundary check. Keypoints are no longer clipped at the extents of the frame. -Fixed the display of the mid-plane graphic for parent planes that are nearly parallel. -Fixed the "Use Value" button in the tolerance entry feature detail screen for missing tolerance types. -Fixed registration update case where a skew and datum did not update a pattern registration when the skew was constructed as a midline from parallel parents. -Fixed the add points function to make all feature types consistent. The number of points entered in the add points dialog will now define the total number of points to be probed, for all feature types. Added: -Improved the reliability and accuracy of pattern recognition in program playback. Model matching now iterates fully through the keypoint population regardless of other pattern recognition settings. -Integrated the C++ Redistributable installation process into the M3 installer utility. -Added support for Add Points for Sphere features on Touch Probe systems. -Added the ability to save and load images in jp2 format(JPEG 2000). -Added preliminary support for the MlxConnect automation module. -Added the ability for Demonstration Dongles to utilize the Load Image and Load Stage functions. -Added new add-on option for the Insulation Measurement module. Requires a license file containing permissions for the Insulation option. -Removed the Show Probe Path button from program edit mode. -Removed the obsolete Display Simple Whiskers option from the M3 Part View settings screen. -Added support for tolerancing the Phi of Cylinders and Cones in 3D systems. -Added Output Minimum(%) for Quad Light Channels to the Light Control settings screen. -Added new Min Points for Teach field to the Contact Probes settings screen. Entered number will define the minimum number of points required for touch probe calibration. -Added arrowhead ends to Prqofile whiskers that extend beyond 125% of tolerance limit. Whiskers with arrow heads are also capped for length. -Updated Italian language translation file. Version 2.10.04 6/20/2016 Fixed: -Fixed a rounding error that could cause small DRO display error for some encoder resolutions on the Q/B Rotary Axes. Version 2.10.05 11/01/2016 Fixed: -Fixed small offset that could occur for B axis rotary stages after multiple rotations. -Fixed cases of image load corruption and image clear corruption that could occur when using the measure from bitmap and measure from JP2 file capability. -Fixed bug in the profile import routine for the extrusion direction of polylines that could cause a dxf file to be imported mirrored around the Y axis. -Fixed a case where profile fit points located toward the ends of the profile tool bound could be calculated incorrectly. A new profile point trimming routine was implemented to eliminate cases that produce this effect. -Fixed a bug where spline and ellipse features within profiles were not updated correctly in cases where the datum postion of the dxf was changed. -Fixed a case where extrusion direction of a spline feature was incorrectly calculated by the DXF importer. -Fixed the "Import Nominals from DXF" for cases where tolerances are not applied. The deviation is not correctly calculated after all runs of a program. -Fixed a runaway condition that could occur when using single step mode from the registration features of a program. -Fixed a case where very large bitmap images could cause a crash upon loading. -Fixed single core insulation measurement case. All six distance results are now included in the min/max/average calculation. -Fixed incorrect drawing of insulation distance results in the part view. All insulation distance calculations are now drawn connecting completely to both the inner and outer insulation blob. -Fixed case where modifying profile feature parameters in the profile properties dialog could casue the probe position and point density to be reset. -Fixed the Eye Measure probe resizing capability. The width of the Eye Measure probe can now be set to any size that fits within the field of view. -Fixed bugs in the mlxscript mechanism that could cause script lockup during execution. -Fixed registration failure sequence where plane, circle, circle sequence fails to register when the touch probe is used. -Fixed a case where the profile tool graphic could become corrupt when the inner tool boundary had a radius of less than zero. -Fixed display of fired profile points for profiles that extend beyond the field of view. -Fixed edge detection boundary for Profile Measurements. Profile tools now collect edge data using the same pixel boundary as the other VED tools. -Fixed recall of measurements performed with the EyeMeasure probe in Auto Focus mode. The width of the probe is now recalled correctly. -Improved memory management significantly for large batches of programs run via the Program Finder functionality, including the Auto Play function. -Fixed a GDI drawing library mismanagement(Brush) when the DisplayLogo was enabled in the Desktop Settings screen. -Fixed point intersect subtype selection in program playback case for cases where the intersect is a Datum Point feature. -Fixed incorrect Goto Here Z movement when specific Dual Level NLEC correction is enabled. -Fixed the storing and recalling of Run Date, and User Name information in the report views after program playback. -Fixed a case where Goto Steps were incorrectly advancing the reference frame when using the Auto Save Reference frame feature. -Fixed the Print PartView/Video view to .xps file when the JP2 image type is enabled in the Video Setup screen. Added: -Added automatic touch probe requalification mechanism for CNC Touch Probe systems. Any taught touch probe can be requalified automatically under CNC control using a new touch probe requalification button in the touch probe menu. -Added support for Add CNC Touch Probe Points capability to the touch probe teach/calibration routine. -Added a surface point to the Ring Gage touch probe calibration routine. Z component will now be utilized in the Ring Gage cal result. -Added support for touch probe tip switching inside a feature measurement. -Added support for a CNC park position on application shutdown. Enable CNC park position with the following metlogix.ini parameter. Set the park position machine coordinates in the Joystick settings screen, and set the enable flag to activate. [ProbePath] ParkEnabled=1 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to surpress image freeze when translating or rotating DXF overlay files. [Video] AllowDxfFreeze=0 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to display the "Measure Registration Pattern" button on the top level of the main measure toolbar. [Options] PatternDatumTopLevel=1 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to allow changing the color of the top and bottom toolbars in the main M3 User Interface. [CustomColor] Enabled=1 TopR=0 TopG=161 TopB=225 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter that enables support for .IGES format export of point data. When enabled the new export format will be available in the export menu. [Export] ShowIgs=1 -Added integrated Barcode Scanner support for loading and running of M3 part programs. When enabled in the the metlogix.ini file, a barcode string entered that matches an existing mlxpart2 file in the parts directory, will open the matching program and run it. [Options] RunPartFromBarcode=1 //IMPORTANT: Disabling the Shortcuts in the metlogix.ini file with [Beta]Shortcuts=0 parameter, will allow the above barcode function to be active from almost all M3 screens(Video View, Part View, Run Results, No Part Loaded) -Added new thickness/width probe for quick wall thickness and gage distance calculations. This feature is enabled along with the Insulation option(see release 2.10.03), and used within the Distance Feature measurement when the simple crosshair is selected. -Added %Concentricity result for Insulation Features. Calculated as MaxDistance/MinDistance*100, expressed as a percentage. -Added the ability for profiles to be constructed from Blob features probed in the M3. Blob profiles can be used with Digital Comparator overlay functionality or the Profile Best Fit functionality. *The following inifile setting sets the resolution of the Profile line segments created from the Blob points(per item above). The default is 1, meaning every point. BlobRes=10 is every 10 points. [Profile] BlobRes=1 -Added support for true 3D distance and 3D angle relationships between 2D and 3D, or 3D and 3D features. -Removed the restriction on the angle of the level and standard plane features for 3D systems. -Added the ability to disable the CNC and Zoom factory options even when the license bit is present in the system. -Added support for average distance from two distance features. Added as a new changetype for the distance construction from two distances. -Iterative calibration is no longer supported for Dual Layer NLEC. An error message will be generated when attempting to import NLEC data when the correction is currently active. -Added additional correction information to the NLECReport.txt file. Nominal, Deviation, and Error data are all reported for each correction segment. -Added subpixel VED measurement support to the insulation measurement routine. -Added SDK support for the USB3 line of Sentech cameras. -Added support for Binning Modes for the IDS cameras, configured in the IDS Cockpit and stored in the ueyecam.ini file. -Added new updated German and Chinese language support files. -Improved automatic calculation of contiguity threshold for profile probe import. -Added support for the DIN ISO 2768 standard for distance and angle feature types. -Added two new Tangent Line constructions from Circles/Arcs(crossing tangent 1 and 2). -Added support for unassisted PDF file output from a printout executions(requires available PDF Writer Print device), including the ability to automatically populate the output filename and output target path from user defined variables. *-Settings can be found in the Printouts settings page. -New FTDI interface driver installer released and included with this release installer. v2.12.24. Version 2.10.06 12/02/2016 Fixed: -Fixed a display bug that could occur in program playback where the playback navigation arrow and target radius could "flicker". -Fixed playback navigation for simple crosshair measurements in program playback. -Fixed a case where simple crosshair point measurements in program playback were being entered automatically at the target stage position. This also effected playback of simple crosshair autofocus point measurements. -Fixed a case where recorded magnification changes on manual systems, at the start of a program, were interfering with program playback. -Fixed a case where step and repeat of features, within a step and repeat "nest", where duplicated in correctly after playback. -Fixed playback display of part view printouts in the report header. -Fixed scaling of partview printouts to make them identical to interactive partview printouts. -Fixed a playback slowdown that occured in large feature count playback using the step and repeat function. -Fixed a case where the interior circle construction from 3 parent lines was failing. This fix applies specifically to a "cutting insert" case that was failing. -Fixed a where a skew line constructed from a constructed midline could fail registration. The failure yielded an incrrect registration direction. -Fixed playback of Z positions for parts autoprogrammed from DXF's containing non-zero z positions. -Fixed construction bug for distances between touch probe point features on 3D systems. -Fixed a case where remeasuring features in edit mode could result in the feature being renamed to a previously measured features name. Added: -Added support for playback of part programs containing a level, skew, and zero at tiltled positions. -Added display of recorded goto moves within a feature measurement. Indication of recorded goto's within a measurement will now appear in the small feature measure window. -Added new option to the Palletize dialog to enable Park Position functionality at the completion of Pallet Program playback. When enabled, the currently configure park position will be executed at the completion of pallet playback. -Added support for motorized zoom homing at startup when using manual reference marks. -Added support for percent concentricity tolerance to the insulation feature. -Added button to the Optical Settings setup screen to automatically zero magnification offsets. -Added new setVariableValue command to the MlxConnect scripting system. -Added mechanism for displaying pixel brightness in the live video window to aid in machine setup. Enable functionality with the following metlogix.ini parameter and initiate meter by selecting the Active Crosshair probe. [Video] ShowIllumination=6 //Sets the number of Sample Zone(the center zone, and FOV boundary zones are automatically included). This parameter sets the additional. IlluminationRadius=25 //Sets the Radius Size in pixels of each sample zone. -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to set the size of part view annotation. Annotation size will be reflected in the software and in printouts. [Print] AnnotationFontSize=16 Version 2.10.07 1/17/2017 Fixed: -Fixed playback of recorded goto moves for touch probe only systems when the Clearance Distance is set to 0. Version 2.10.08 2/16/2017 Fixed: -Fixed a bug where Blob Measurements were not storing edge direction data properly. The result is that Blob Measurements in program playback could fail to collect edge data. Added: -Changed the program playback mechanism for Auto Focus point measurements performed with the Active Crosshair. In cases where no edge position is found the measurement still succeeds, where the XY nominal position is posted along with the found Z focus position. Version 2.10.09 04/10/2017 Fixed: -Fixed a bug where the first run results data is always displayed on program open. In some cases this was not reflective of the currently selected run. -Fixed dxf import scaling for lines, circles , and arcs to support pdf import. -Fixed case where the Encoder Reverse flag in Axis Setup could revert to no when the CNC option bit is enabled. -Removed the "NLEC Calibration" item from the Access Rights list in Security settings as it is not used. -Fixed a case where ISO tolerances could not be applied in Program Edit mode. -Fixed a case where pocket #1 of a pallet grid could not be skipped. -Fixed a case where the profile feature graphic is improperly scaled prior to fit execution. The exaggeration factor is no longer applied until after the fit has been performed. -Fixed incorrect goto calculation when the touch probe tip is switched from within a feature measurement. -Fixed the import of 2D polylines from DXF files. -Fixed export of Spline features in Inch mode. -Fixed a case where the same part program is detected twice when using "Multiple Parts in the FOV" mode. -Fixed a case where using the Joystick "Done" button during touch probe calibration would incorrectly add a feature to the feature list. The joystick Done button now completes the calibration. -Fixed the User Login screen so that the Exit button and exit windows dialog button function correctly, closing the application. -Fixed a crash that could occur when printing to a file(pdf/xps) where the configured target location for the file does not exist. Added: -Changed the preset crosshair position dialog. When the gage length variant of the simple crosshair is selected the XYQ preset dialog is displayed. When the standard simple crosshair is selected only the Q preset dialog is displayed. -Added support for full 3D registration in Touch Probe only systems. Registration in Touch Probe only systems is now based on datum steps, registration will not be complete until a full 321 datum is complete. -Added a new manual/power assist mode for CNC enabled systems. A new edit mode button has been added to enable manual assist mode for features in program playback. When a feature in program playback has been set to manual assist mode, playback will pause, allowing the operator to select any video probe and probe the feature manually. -Added support for .txt format to the Pivot Mode export menu. -Added new UI slider to support OEM-specific motorized ring light. -Added two new items to the Desktop Setup screen on CNC systems. Joystick status icons can be enabled in the toolbar for joystick speed and axis lock status. -Added new software based illumination metering function. Add the following parameter to the metlogix.ini file, and select the simple crosshair to view the average grey value(0-255)of the Live Video view at various locations. [Video] ShowIllumination=6 //Sets the number of Sample Zone(the center zone, and FOV boundary zones are automatically included). This parameter sets the additional. IlluminationRadius=25 //Sets the Radius Size in pixels of each sample zone. -Added the ability to specify the minimum number of segments used for drawing circles and arc features in the partview. [PartView] NumCircleSegments=32 -Added the ability to substitute the touchprobe point entry sound. Add the following parameter to the metlogix.ini file, and add a new wave file called touchpoint.wav to the M3 running directory to enable the new touch probe sound. [Sounds] TouchProbe=1 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to adjust keypoint cloud cluster size used when searching for models. [Model] ClusterSizeFrame=10 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to improve detection of multiple parts in the FOV when mutiple model matches exist for the same part. When enabled the system will not continue to search within the bounds of a found pattern for additional matches. [Model] FilterMultiPatternROI=0 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to filter the "-" and "+" characters out of the .txt output file. [Export] IncludeDashes=1 -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to govern profile deletion when constructing an M3 profile from an imported profile. By default imported profiles that are not consumed in a profile construction are automatically deleted. Enabling the ini below prevents the profile deletion. [Profile] DeleteImportedProfiles=0 -Added a new metlogix.ini parameter that enables the ability to generate a printout of a part programs steps. Enable the ini parameter below to display the new print button in the bottom toolbar in edit mode. [Programming] DisplayPrint=0 Version 2.10.10 8/29/2017 Fixed: -Updated the shutter speed(exposure) loading sequnce for new IDS model USB 3 cameras. Intermittent failure to restore the previous shutter vaue has been resolved. -Auto VED Min and Max points parameters now apply to the line and circle modes of the EyeMeasure probe. -Fixed Pallet Park Position from part coordinates. The CNC park position goto will always be in machine coordinates. -Fixed "Axis" setup screen lockup that occured when configuring a 100X interpolated analog scale signal. -Improved pattern model match reliability for the "Measure Multiple Parts" functionality. -Fixed export of "large stitched" bitmap images. BMP images will no longer be exported with pixel information missing. The system memory limit will be checked prior to export, and display a message "export failure" when exceeded. -Fixed slider range for Z-track control. The output mapping now matches the "ring" format of z-track control. -Fixed a clearance move crash case in Touch Probe systems when the "Approach Distance" is set to a value smaller than the current probe tip radius. -Fixed case where stitch step within a palletized program could be executed out of sequence during the "Locate First" pallet setup routine. -Improved default profile layer color to produce better contrast in the Part View window. Dark Light layer assignment is significantly improved by this user interface appearance change. -Fixed data restore of the Phi coefficient for cylinder features on part loading. -Fixed incorrect display of the "playback navigation arrow" in a program using "FOV Playback" mode. -Fixed duplication of the pattern bitmap image file that occured when using the "Save" function to rename a part program. A single pattern bitmap should be created by either the auto program name function, or by the manual save routine. -Fixed an M3 crash that occured as a result of the sequence;Edit part program, exit edit mode, immediately exit part(close part). -Slot and Rectangle features now use the VED point spacing set in the Video Setup screen. -Fixed a case where light control changes performed between measurements, and at a single stage position, would cause a halt in CNC program playback. Added: -Added support for automated thread inspection using a new Thread Inspection Module. The Thread Option requires a factory license for activation. [Thread] MaxAngErr=6 //defines max angle of error in flank angle, from either the major X or Y direction. Detected angles exceeding set value will result in thread measure failure. -Added "Auto Feature Type Calc" capability to contact probe measurements(2D/3D Feature support). M3 will now use the MeasureLogic methodology for automatically determining feature type when using a touch probe. -Added support for multiple cameras in a single system for IDS brand cameras. Set Camera Serial numbers in the metlogix.ini per below, and then enter the camera index number from the parameter below into the index field in the magnification setup screen in M3 settings. Mag changes will load the associated IDS camera Serial Number. [Video] CamSN_1=XXXXXXXXXX //Enter IDS camera Serial Number. Index number is used in the M3 mag setup screen. CamSN_2=XXXXXXXXXX -Added support for manual/auto assist modes in program recording. A new flag has been added to program settings to display the Auto mode button in the measure submenus. Assit mode can now be set for any feature measurement without requiring the use of edit mode. -Added support for manual/auto assist modes in manual systems. A new edit mode button can be added to the measure toolbar to enable manual assist mode for features in program playback. When a feature in program playback has been set to manual assist mode, playback will pause, allowing the operator to select any video probe and probe the feature manually. -Added override metlogix.ini parameter that prevents the CNC autohome routine from returning to the start position(following ref mark detection). Each axis will stop at ref mark. [MxCncOptions] ReturnToHomePos=1 //Set to "0" to enable override. -Added new NLEC Import button to Runs Data View. NLEC data can now be imported from the runs view. [NLEC] ShowTeach=0 //Set to "1" to display button. -Exposed Touch Probe velocity compensation parameter in the metlogix.ini file. Expressed in microseconds. [TouchProbe] TouchProbeVelocityCompMicroSeconds=200 -Changed format of page number on report printouts. "page x of x" is now used, including "1 of 1" for single page reports. -Added copy/paste support for text entry fields. Populated fields that appear green when selected by mouse press support this new copy/paste function. -Added the ability to export an un-encrypted NLECnew.txt file from the M3 software. [Options] EncryptNLEC=1 //Set to "0" to export un-encrypted. -Added new access right item to the "Security Setup" called "Restrict Save". When set to Yes for an M3 User the Save Button will be hidden in the M3 File menu. -Added support for "Manual completion of reg feats" function for features probed with a contact probe. -Serial Number of attached Metlogix Software Security Dongle is now displayed in the Hardware-About setup screen. -The M3 options licensing mechanism now used a Windows File Explorer dialog for reading and writing mlxoption.txt files. The buttons that previously performed a "Read or Write Settings" from the Backups directory now call a Windows dialog and the license file can be "browsed". -Added new flag to the Program Settings screen called "Display Nominal Points". Set to No to hide the display of Nominal Feature poing positions in program playback. The default is Yes, and points are displayed in playback. -Added support for setting nominal values for features from a group(group selection). Nominal values set for a coefficient will be applied to all features sharing that coefficinet in the group selection. -Added new Persistent Overlay mode, enabled by metlogix.ini parameter. When enabled an6:34 PM 11/30/2017y opened DXF Overlay will remain in the Live Video view even after selecting different probes from the probe menu. This allows use of the simple crosshair to perform manual measurements while the Overlay is visible. [Video] PersistentOverlay=0 //Set to 1 to enable Persistent Overlay mode. Version 2.10.11 12/9/2017 Fixed: -Fixed annotation of angles between two planes. -Fixed a case where alternate intersection point result was incorrect(reverted) after program playback. -Fixed Image Archive step registration for Field of View(FOV) programs. Registration is now updated for these Image Archive steps. -Fixed Part View selection highlighting when in Program Edit mode. Feature Highlight is now always displayed in Edit Mode. -Fixed text overflow of the Goto Position text that could occur in the feature detail viewport. -Fixed redundant Light Steps that were added to part programs after using the Re-Measure Feature function. -Removed the FOV Indicator graphic and the Annotation Coefficient Selection list from all Part View printouts. -Fixed incorrect feature numbering that could result from using the step and repeat program edit function. Features will always have a unique number following a step and repeat execution. -Fixed a case where a palletized program was not replayed from the designated 1,1 pocket position after a playback failure. If a palletized program was originally created at a stage position other than the location of pocket 1,1 the program would start from an incorrect position following a playback failiure. -Fixed part view printout clipping that could occur when using A4 paper size in landscape orientation. -Fixed numbering of flat shape calibration icons in edit mode. The flat shape cal icons beyond flat 1 are now used correctly in edit mode. -Fixed incorrect display of additional flat shape calibration icons in edit mode. -Fixed missing add points button for non straight down touch probe positions for boss cylinders. -Fixed incorrect Skew Calibration target that could occur with some camera types. -Fixed Rotate Skew function for non XY projection planes in 3D/TP only systems. -Fixed a case where a failure to Archive an Image(due to a missing target folder) would report that it was successful. -Fixed incorrect display of red measured points(on Live Video) after registering a part at a new stage position. -Fixed import of ellipse features in mirror mode. Ellipses are now mirrored correctly(around X or Y) when set to do so in the dxf/pdf import dialog. -Fixed case where selection mode remains in mutiselect mode while annotating features in the part view. The change allows for easier manipulation of annotation graphics in the part view. -Fixed a case where the Tendency graphic in the report view could be displayed incorrectly when panning the report view horizontally. -Fixed Approach Distance minimum for touch probe systems. Approach distance can now be set as small as the the tip radius of the currently selected probe. -Fixed recovery mode for auto focus failures in program playback. Recovery Mode is now entered normally when an Auto Focus execution fails in program playback. -Fixed a case where the "Auto" annotation type is used incorrectly. Annotating feature types that have already been annotated now correctly recalls the annotation configuration for that feature type. -Fixed incorrect freeze on zoom behavior when using FOV Playback mode with motorized zoom configurations. -Fixed incorrect display of the Pan/Rotate button when using Persistent Overlay mode. -Fixed playback of explicit plane measurements probed with the Active Crosshair in AutoFocus mode. -Fixed missing tooltip text in the German language translation. Added: -Added new rename part program button to the M3 file menu. After program generation this new button will be displayed and can be used to change the name of the existing part program, replacing the existing part program name. -Added support for the Nikon LV microscope turret. -Added new Load Runs mechanism. A new "Add Runs" button will be displayed in the bottom toolbar when in the Run Results view. Press to call the Load Runs dialog. Selected runs will be displayed in the run results view temporarily so they can be viewed, exported or printed. Once the program is replayed, or re-opened, the loaded runs will be cleared. -Added support for FreeRun Auto Focus mode for the IDS camera type. -Added support for the Auto Enter Countdown Timer to Image Stitching. When specifying or collecting stitch frames the countdown timer will now result in the frame being entered. -Added support for the new Dynamic Distance Tool in program playback. -Added support for Annotation Delete with the keyboard Delete button while in edit mode. -Added support for the Mitutoyo Serial Encoder interface. -Removed support for "Auto Save Reference Frames" for touch probe only systems. -Added new error report message for CNC moves that will exceed the current software fence limit of any axis. This error will be displayed in program playback(halting playback), and in interactive mode. Released new version of mxcncoptions and mxcncoptions_unlocked v2.10.11. -Added new fields for current limiting control of new Light Control hardware for the CNC product(MIL and MLD). -Fixed cosmetic issues with the Joystick setup screen. Version 2.10.12 12/18/2017 Fixed: -Fixed initialization sequence for MNC hardware to resolve DRO count failure that could occur upon generation of a new SettingsM3V2.xml file. -Fixed the native Auto Focus Latch mode for the IDS camera type. Version 2.10.13 1/12/2018 Fixed: -Fixed incorrect display of probe switching dialog during touch probe calibration routine. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **V3 licensed Metlogix hardware is required in order to enable hardware connection modes, beginning with this release. M3 v3.00.00 6/7/2018 V3 Feature Set: -each feature below is further described in the M3 V3 Video Tutorial series. Advanced Edge Teach Tool Direct Data Transfer to Excel User Defined Report Templates Statistic Results Feature Formula Results via Calc Feature Pallet Support for Stitched Images Enhanced Data Cloud Display Polar Mode Step and Repeat Enhanced DXF Overlay Manipulation Feature Decomp(Multi-Measure) Also Added: -Added support for run tab Range Selection functionality to the Run Results view. Keyboard Shift Key + Mouse selection will now select all run tabs in the selection range. -Nearest and Gage Distance tool now available without the need for the Insulation Module. When the Simple Crosshair is selected and you press Measure Distance, you will now have access to these new Distance Measurement probes. -Revised the Pallet Setup Dialog and Pallet Pocket Selection Dialog. The pocket selection dialog now supports Select/De-select All Pockets as well as Select Row and Select Column functionality. A Cancel button has alos been added to the Pocket Selection Dialog. -Added a Palletize Enable/Disable button to the Program Properties Dialog. Palletize mode for a given program can now be enabled or disabled via a single toggle. -Added support for step and repeat functionality from interactive mode. Enable the cartesian and polar step and repeat button in Desktop Settings to allow access to step and repeat functionality in program authoring mode. -Added new point entry mechanism for Simple Crosshair measurements. While tranlating the crosshair with the left mouse button, the right mouse button will enter points to the current measurement at the current crosshair position. -Added new Continue Pallet Program on Pocket failure option. Enable this feature in the Program Settings screen by setting the option "continue pallet on failure" to Yes. -Decreased the minumum thread valley data requirement from 3 to 2 for thread feature measurements. -Added new warning message when attempting to export a Blob feature in DXF format(invalid export). -Added support for Assit Mode in simple crosshair measurements on FOV systems. The simple crosshair is now displayed at the registered probe postion in program playback. -Added support for YZ and ZX squareness correction entry on non-3D systems. -Added support for the material modifier designation(TP tolerancing) for group selected features. -Added Area coefficient for Blob features to the Pivot Mode view within the report mechanism. Items utilizing metlogix.ini parameters: -Added ini parameter to allow the "Bright Frame Cal" button in the Video Setup screen to be hidden. [Video] HideBrightFrameCal=0 // 0=Show, 1=Hide -Added alternate Insulation Feature result labels. Min/Max/Ave/Con can be enabled via the following ini parameter. [Options] LargeInsulationLabels=1 -Consolodated the Stage and Zoom homing sequences. The zoom homing sequence now occurs immediately following stage homing with no "permission" prompt. The homing complete dialog can now be controlled via the following parameter. [Hardware] AutoClearHomeCompleteMessage=3 //(secs) to display message. 0=Require click to clear. -Added new finish feature measure mouse gesture for simple crosshair measurements. When enabled, a right mouse drag and release while the left mouse button is down will finish the open simple corsshair measurement. [Video] RightMouseFinish=1 -Added ini parameter to enable the direct probing of angle features near 180 degrees. Enable the following parameter to lift the near 180 restriciton on directly probed angle features. [Measure] ProbeSmallAngle=1 -Added support for multiple IDS camera configuration files, loaded via M3 Mag selection. Add the following parameter to the metlogix.ini file to enable. Use the IDS UeyeCockpit application to prepare the settings files for use in the M3 software. ->Adjust image properties and settings as needed and save the file “ueyecam_X.ini” to the Metlogix/Settings direcrory, where “X” is the file index number to be assigned in the M3 softwares mag Setup Screen. [Video] CamShareConfig=1 -Added new "Continue pallet on failure" option to Program Settings for CNC systems. When set to Yes pallet programs playing back will automatically advance to the next pocket when a measurement failure occurs. [Programming] FailedPalletZClearance=30 //sets the distance(in the Z axis positive direction) that the system will clear to when advancing a pocket via the "Continue pallet on failure" option referenced above. Fixed: -The horizontal divider in the left viewport can no longer be repositioned outside of the application window. -Improved logging for the model match phase of pattern recognition. The mlxlog window now logs the path and filename being searched for from the part program. -Fixed scaling of pallet pockets in the pocket selection dialog. Pocket buttons will be scaled so they are always visible and selectable. The scrolling mechanism is no longer used. -Fixed the Repeat Measure mode for Angle and Blob features. -Playback of "dynamic distance" measurements now supported for encoded stage systems. The distance sampling buffer probe will be now be displayed in playback at the distance measurement step. -Fixed Stats Average Calculation for distance and line features(XY and L). -Restored support for intersect line constructions from two non-working plane features in 3D systems. -Fixed selection inconsistencies in the part view feature annotation system. -Fixed a bug where some part instances were skipped when using the "Multiple Parts in the Field of View" feature on an FOV system. -Fixed a case where the Symmetry deviation result could be recalled incorrectly from within run data. -Fixed point intesect ordering for program playback of line blob intersect points. -Fixed playback execution of thread measurements that are outside the field of view. M3 v3.00.10 7/31/2018 Fixed: -Fixed case where the Overwrite BMP File dialog in Windows could get buried by the M3 application window. A new "Overwrite Confirmation" dialog has been added and is always displayed in overwrite cases for image archive steps. -Fixed the M3 Interface Joystick Buttons. They can now be set from the M3 software(supported only in traditional 3 button joystick mode). -Fixed case of unexpected software shutdown when using the part view annotation system. Annotation can now be created with a single mouse click, and no annotation positions adjustment. -Fixed a case where run data could get loaded incorrectly when disabling the "Automatically Save Part Program after Edit" function, and then not saving the program manually after the first "conversion run". -Fixed program playback for programs containing contact probe switching. The correct contact probe type is now selected automatically in program playback. -Fixed the auto focus execution phase in program playback for manual VED manual systems. Calculated Z focus positions should now always be returned in cases of successfully completed Auto Focus steps. -Fixed bug in the use of the LEC/SLEC error correction form. New form entries are now properly passed to the encoder position correction. -Fixed case where interactive use of the polar or cartesian step and repeat did not produce updated part view graphics. -Restored automatic "probe graphics clearing" for the blob and thread probes. -Fixed the Feature Creation mechanism. Newly created features, beyond the first, are now created at the designated postion. Added: -The EyeMeasure probe can now be freely translated in video space. Create the probe where desired. Once created a left mouse down inside the probe region will allow you to translate the probe anywhere in the video window. -The EyeMeasure probe state(size, color sense, and direction) are all remembering within a measurment routine. When inside a measurement create the probe and specify its parameters for size direction and color. As long as you are in the current measurement the EyeMeasure probe state will be restored on each probe creation event. Once the measurement is completed or exited the probe returns to default state. -When editing a goto program step, the "current probe" is now set to the same probe that was used to record that edit step. When exiting the edit goto dialog, the previously selected probe is restored. This ensures that the edit coordinates, and the current coordinates, are of the same coordinate system. -The new Simple Active Crosshair now recenters in screen coodinates on a New Part. -Added new Printer Device selection menu to the "Printouts" settings screen. All detected printer devices in the Windows OS should be listed here. The selected printer device will be used for all M3 printout executions. -Added 2 new report template customization functions; --Column fill color function: When in template edit mode, select a column header to expose the color fill button in the bottom toolbar. Press button to call Windows Color Selection Dialog. The selected color will be used to fill the selected column with the selected color. Color will be used in all printouts from this saved template. --Column data justify setting: When in template edit mode, select a column header to expost the justify settings buttons. Set Left, Center or Right justify with the button for the data in the selected column. -Enhanced printout graphics for tolerance "tendency" graph. -Added new logging and error messaging for BootLoader or Application state detection at startup for the ADK hardware(manual interface hardware). -Added new message dialog when M3 shuts down upon exiting the Factory Options or System Options screens. -Added new On Screen Keyboard mechanism to support a wider range of Windows keyboard environments. -Modified the Load Program from Barcode Scan function. When executing a scan the system now checks for a currently loaded part program, if the target program is already loaded, the program is just played back again, instead of re-loaded and rerun. -->A new version of mxcncoptions is included with this release, v3.00.10. -Added new DP Enable/Disable function to support three button joystick that utilize the Z fine focus functionality. M3 v3.00.20 8/22/2018 Fixed: -Fixed use of the "Filter by Selected Feature Type" filter when exporting data via the "Record Into" function. -Fixed report view row highlighting mechanism in Edit mode. Selected feature program steps are now highlighted correctly within the report view. Added: -Added alternate Feature result labels for the Insualtion feature, enabled by the following metlogix.ini parameter. Two new additional coefficients, Outside and Inside Insulation diameter are also now reported. [Options] LargeInsulationLabels=0 //Set to 1 to enable new Insulation Labels(Min/Max/AVG/CON/ID/OD) -Added support for "long press specify Q rotation" when the B Rotary Option is enabled. M3 v3.10.00 11/8/2018 Fixed: -Fixed printout contents for reports using Pivot mode. Run data and statstics can now be simultaneously printed. -Restored annotation capability for Slot features. -Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Filter Points button for the Feature Stamp Data cloud points in the part view. -When using the Full Frame Image Archive Function part view graphics will no longer be included in the archived image. -Mouse scroll wheel zoom direction is now the same in the part view and live video. Scroll Up=Zoom In. -Fixed the playback position of the simple and active crosshair. The probe position is now automatically recentered, or positioned at the candidate points nominal position in playback. -Fixed Stat calculation data restoration from part files. Part files containing stat result data now properly restore the stat results for all runs stored within the part. -Fixed the cursor position placement from a mouse click for the User Message and Custom Printout text entry fields. -Fixed the use of the Multi-Measure function in record-into mode. The calc dialog is no longer incorrectly displayed for this case. -Resolved issue with the PDF importer. Using the PDF import for Overlay or for feature import now correctly refreshes the dxf entities each time a new PDF is used. -Fixed issue with specifying negative nominal positions for 3D features. All 3D feature types can now be set to negative nominal positions. -Fixed a lockup condition that could occur in rare curcumstances while teaching a pattern model on very large models extending outside the Field of View. Added: -Added support for the Renishaw Probe Rack in Touch Probe enabled CNC systems. -Added the ability to recall stitched images in interactive mode after they have been collected and cleared. Currently stored stitched images can be selected from the bottom toolbar in stitch mode. Recalling and utilizing stored stitches is also supported in program edit mode. -Added the ability to record in new stitched images in program edit mode. In Edit mode, select Record Into and then invoke stitch mode to add a new stitched image. -Added support for Full Frame Image Archiving in program playback. -Added new Save and Load mechanism for the SLEC Error Correction entry form. New "Save Slec.txt" and "Load Slec.txt" buttons have been added to the SLEC entry screen. Press "Save Slec.txt" to generate an Slec.txt file in the Metlogix/Settings direcrory containing the current SLEC entries for all axes. Press "Load Slec.txt" to load all entries from the file Slec.txt(in Metlogix/Settings) to the SLEC entry forms. CUrrent entries will be overwritten in this case. -Added new Factory Option module Remote Control(RC)(License requires). Remote control mode enables Asccii Commands to be sent over a TCPIP socket to the M3 software. Enables the exchange of supported M3 Ascii commands between the M3 software and some external device or code module. -Added new metlogix.ini parameter to support enable and disable of the touchscreen flick CNC functionality. [Video] Flick=0 //Enable=1, Disable=0. Default mode is disabled. -Added new CNC playback mode, enabled by ini, that freezes the update of the live video image in between cnc moves in program playback. [Programming] //Set to 1 to enable. 0, or off by default. FreezeDuringMove=0 -Improved the speed and responsivity of video tools and DXF overlays on the Live Video image. -Improved the speed and responsivity of video tools and DXF overlays on Stitched Images. -Added the ability to increase and decrease Light Control slider levels with a mouse scrollwheel. Hover the mouse pointer over the light control slider control and move the scroll wheel up to increase the level, or down to decrease the light level. -Added error message in program playback for when a machine hardware limit switch has been reached. Program playback will exit when the error is triggered. -Improved import of ellipse features with very short arc lengths from DXF. Ellipses with 2 or more degrees of arc length will now be imported. -Added display resolution setting for the Calc Feature result. A new field has been added to the Calc Feature formula entry dialog. The desired display resolution for the result can be set there. -Added new report template customization for ref frame number. When in template edit mode a new item called "UCS" has been added to the selection menu. The new data column will report the reference frame number that the feature belongs to. -Added new Yes/No option toggle to the User Message dialog called "Every Pallet". When set to Yes(default) the User Message will be displayed each time the program step is encountered. When set to No the User Message will only be displayed at the start of Pallet Program playback. -Added new On Screen Keyboard for improved compliance across all supported Operating Systems(Windows 7/8/10). M3 v3.10.01 11/9/2018 Fixed: -Fixed the Version 2 to Version 3 settings file update module. Version 2 settings files will now be updated to version 3 for all configuration cases. M3 v3.10.02 11/29/2018 Fixed: -Fixed an issue where Part View Printouts could contain no features on some PC systems. -Fixed a case where using temporary fixture mode on parts that have been moved on the stage would move to an incorrect position, after being run twice. -Fixed CNC Goto Here steps recorded within the registration of touch probe part programs. -Fixed an issue with the hardware support library required for use with the interactive joystick toolbar buttons.(Supported only in standard 3-button joystick configurations). M3 v3.10.03 1/14/2019 Fixed: -Fixed an issue where some Touch Probe CNC retract moves could cause a halt in CNC playback. M3 v3.10.04 1/23/2019 Fixed: -Fixed a graphical corruption/flicker that could occur as a result of manipulating light control sliders in the user interface.