|================================================================================== X64 Driver for Sapera Imaging Library for Windows NT/2000/XP History ################################################################################################################## First release: Compatible with sapera 4.20 and up Version 1.01 - Added serial port parity and 7 or 8 bits. - Increase integration time to 64 sec 1.02 - Teli specific version 1.03 - Fix local memory bandwith (320 Mb/s writting, 320 MB/s reading) - Fix support for pirahna2 in 10 bits, 24K Line/s to host 1.12 Added - Added support for grabbing images which are larger than the on-board memory - Increase maximum number of lines to 16 millions - Added acquisition module for 10-tap cameras - Increased timer resolution to up to 100 ns (time integration, strobe...) - Added support for shaft encoder input selection Fixes - Remove limitation of 1024 internal buffers. - External trigger level for 2nd camera - An extra frame was grabbed when stopping live grab - Added check for valid CameraLink configuration - Fix 8-tap parallel - Shaft encoder was dropping one edge less than specified by the CORACQ_PRM_SHAFT_ENCODER_DROP parameter 1.20 Build 136 - DMA with more that 2 taps (bug in build 130 to 135) 1.20 Build 126 Added - Added support for camera dual base 1.20 Build 127 - Added support for 10 taps camera - Added support for serial port parameters in cca 1.20 Build 135 - Added support for acquisition callback - Serial port internal clock is base on a 50Mhz clock 1.20 Build 136 - Added support for Acquisition callback - Added support for xfer event count on acquisition instead of buffer 1.20 Build 144 - change 10 taps camera line gouping for 32 to 16 1.20 Build 145 - same as 144, change fpga for 10 taps camera format 2 (Basler A504) , fix DCM 1.20 Build 146 - Added support for dual camera 1.20 Buld 149 - Fix camera 10 taps and child buffer - Added support for Acquisition Callback "FRAME LOST" and "DATA OVERLFOW" 1.20 Build 150 - Added support for acquisition Callback "Ext Trigger lost" - Fix default value for "external line trigger detection" - New FPGA 1.20 Build 151 - Fix bug when using multiple aplications with the X64 1.20 Build 152 1.20 Build 153 - Fix xfer callback event on "NLINES" and "LINE" 1.20 build 154 - Added support for lock the flash - Added support for sotfware trigger - Increase the number of process to 16 1.20 build 155 - Added support for X64-LVDS - Added support for line and pixel diagnostic - Lock aquisition parameter when the acq module is link to a xfer module 1.20 Build 156 - Installation of LVDS board, a registry key wasn't created - Fix 10bits to 8bits with 2 taps and direction left to right 1.20 Build 157 - Fix X64-EM detection on HW initialization done - Added support for line and pixel diagnostic - Added support for ext trigger pulse debouncing 1.20 Build 158 - Fix acquisition of nframe on one external trigger 1.20 Build 159 - Fix programming of PLL device 1.20 Build 160 - Fix read of time stamp register - Fix "out or memory" return value in kernel and xfer module when creating a Xfer with a lot of internal buffers - Fix acquisition of nframe on one external trigger (put back as before). - Added support for "double pulse" in variable frame length - Remove support for X64-LVDS (now it's a separate driver) 1.20 Build 161 - Added support for X64-EM-DUAL 1.20 Build 162 - Fix X64-DUAL when capturing from 2 camera with different transfert mode - Fix buf with 10K Pixel or more per line - Change Firmware upate, only 1 set of cfc file for all the X64-CL board model - New spartan2 - Fix left to right taps for X64-Cl-EK board - Change default value for 10 taps and 16 taps acquisition module 1.20 Build 163 - New virtex2 for X64-CL-EM - Fix uninstallation under winnt - Fix crop width for X64-Cl-EM, must be a multiple of 16 bytes 1.20 Build 164 - Change hsync min from 1 to 4 - Fix bug with multiple application 1.20 Build 165 - Fix crop top - Fix computation of maximum number of internal buffers - Fix X64-Cl-EM-DUAL cc1-cc4 on second camera 1.20 Build 166 - Fix CFC file for "10 taps format1" on a X64-CL - Fix serial port on the X64-Cl-EM-DUAL 1.20 Build 167 - Fix fpga write, added a 5 time retry - Fix update firmware, ask the user to rebort the computer 1.20 Build 168 - Fix event SOB in asynchronous transfert, new fpga - Fix variable frame length, double pulse falling edge was allways rising edge - Fix variable frame length, double pulse, the first frame was too short 1.20 Build 169 - Fix flash programming under WindowsXP - Fix update firmware, don't ask the user to reboot 1.20 Build 170 - Fix bandwidth problem, new fpga 1.20 Build 171 - Fix bandwidth problem, new fpga for the X64-Cl-EM-DUAL - Fix tap direction from right to left for board X64-CL-EM - Fix capabilities for coupling and decimation - Fix 2 channels 10 bits camera in a mono8 buffer. 1.20 Build 172 - Fix linescan grab start, delay of one frame - Fix capabilities for 10 and 16 taps camera - New FPGA for X64-CL Board revision A2 in a 64 bit slot 1.20 Build 173 - Fix shaft encoder multiplyer - Fix default number of taps for 10 and 16 taps camera (FPGA) - Fix 12 bits packer for 2nd camera - Fix delay of one frame in linescan if the grab start was done at the same time as a end of line 1.20 Build 174 - Fix Abort on X64-CL ,new virtex - Fix Master Abort on pci bus, mew spartan 1.30 Build 201 - Flatfield and Flatline - Fix SNAP in transfer mode synchronous with trash 1.30 BUild 202 - Fix cxm, freeing null pointer 1.30 Build 203 - Fix CorX64X.cxm memory corruption, the fifo size was 1 slot too big. - Fix XferConnect on the 2nd camera, return "software error". The LB dma channel was allways zero - Fix Flash read/write error on a 3GHz or more PC. 1.30 Build 204 - Fix flatline, only 1/3 of the image was updated when the host image size excede the internal memory size 1.30 Build 205 - Fix flatline, for camera 4K pixels and more per lines. 1.30 Build 206 - Fix flatline, for buffer bigger that half the board memory size 1.30 Build 207 - Fix support for camera with 4 taps of 14 bits - Added support for 16Mpixels camera in a 32MB board - Fix support for camera with 4 taps of 12 bits altenated 2 by 2 and camere link configuration as 2bases 1.30 Build 208 - New Kernel driver 1.30 Build 209 - TimeStamp all host buffers (new spartan), need sapera 5.10 - Linescan strobe (new virtex) - External Trigger Delay (X64-CL-FULL with XC2C1500) 1.30 Build 210 - Fix Ext frame trigger in linescan - Fix callback event when EOF is not used - Fix ext trigger deboucing - Fix "out ouf memory": reserved at least 5% of the memory for DMA table 1.30 Build 211 - Fix linescan strobe delay 1.30 Build 212 - Fix Serial port fo X64-CL-EM 10 taps format 2 1.30 Build 213 - Fix Buffer state after a XferDisconnect - Fix image desynchronization after a XferAbort - Fix 8 taps alternated - Fix cycle mode "next buffer with trash" 1.30 Build 214 - Fix ext trigger callback 1.30 Build 215 - Dual channel with channel order reverse - 4 taps 16 bits (not a cameralink standard) - Fix dual channel - Fix High Frame Rate with paralell taps camera, keep line merged 1.30 Build 216 - Added support for X64-CL revison 'B' - Added support for Flash controler - Fix external trigger in linesan with long frame, new fpga 1.30 Build 217 - Fix user define event in acquisition callback - Fix XferAbort when no XferSelect if done after 1.30 Build 218 - Fix TimeStamp after a CorXferDisconnect - Fix buffer state after a CorXferDisconnect - Fix lut 10 bits to 8 bits for alternated taps 1.30 Build 219 - Improve speed when wrinting the Flash Control Registers - Fix high frame rate for the X64-CL-EM (new fpga) 1.30 Build 220 - Fix callack generated even if none was registed - Fix event "Start of Buffer" was not generated if the line was bigger that 4K bytes 1.30 Build 221 - Fix support for X64-CL-DUAL, the second camera wasn't functionnal anymore - Fix EEprom access when the board has not been initialisez for the first time 1.30 Build 222 - Fix snap(n) in linescan, new fpga 1.30 Build 223 - Fix snap(n) in linescan, new fpga - Fix PRM CORACQ_PRM_SCAN and CORACQ_PRM_FIELD_ORDER could generate a snap - Ext frame trigger callback in linescan wasn't generated 1.40 Build 240 - Added support for Bayer - Added support for TimeSlot 1.40 Build 241 - Added support for Bayer acquisition module 1.40 Build 242 - Added support for output LUT for bayer acquisition module only - Fix keep uart setting when a sapera application open - Fix flatfield capability (show as available when it was not available) - Fix Time integration delay parameter, was missing a set fonction - Fix Bayer for buffer bigger that 8MB 1.40 Build 243: june 4 2004 - Added support for 2 or more acquistions module to be appended to one xfer module - Fix CorAcqUnregisterCallback, wan't unregistering the external trigger event properly 1.40 Build 244: july 12 2004 - Fix support for a 4 taps segmented 16 bits camera with a hactive not a multiple of 16 bytes, new fpga 1.40 Build 246: july 19 2004 - New FGA for X64-CL & X64-CL Dual. 1.40 Build 247: july 21 2004 - New FGA for X64-CL 1.40 Build 248: july 21 2004 - Modify flat field video format. 1.40 Build 249: july 21 2004 - Fix FlatField format: Dual Channel, 10 bits, tap parallel or line > 4K. 1.40 Build 250: august 16 2004 - Parameter Bayer Decoder is now "read-only" - Bayer Decoder is available only if purchase - Fix dual channel event "End of N Lines" 1.40 Build 251: august 19 2004 - Change Bayer aligment default value - Change Bayer Acquisition Name to "Bayer Decoder #1" 1.40 Build 251: September 3rd 2004 - X64 Dual, fix reset of host dma when 2 camera is used, with hypertreading system, one of the 2 camera could stop the grab of the other camera. - Remove of the reset of the uart when the first sapera application is started. It causes some serial communication programe to stop working. - The CorDeviceManager is lauches at every PC boot-up. It verifies the integrity of the firmware on the boards. 1.40 Build 253: September 9th 2004 - Fix CFC files, the fpga file path name - Fix registry entry for CorDeviceManager 1.40 Build 256: September 13th 2004 - Added support for boards revision B1 with flash controler 1.40 Build 257: September 15th 2004 - Support for camera with Dval 1/2 the pixel clock, was grabbing only 1 pixel per line - Remove Glitch on CC1-CC4 when a sapera application start - Change default frame trigger input level on the board from TTL to LVDS 1.40 Build 258: September 21th 2004 - Added suport for 12,14 and 16 bits monochrome flatfield - Bayer processing when the synchronization signal are lost. 1.40 Build 259: September 22th 2004 - Bayer 12Bits - Change firmware update statup dialog - Fix silent install 1.40 Build 260: September 27th 2004 - Added support for color 12 bits 1.40 Build 261: October 30th 2004 - Remove friwmare checksum entry in the registry when uninstalling the driver - Fix color acquisition on 2nd camera (bug in build 258) - Fix detection of 12bits lut for the X64-CL with XC2V1500 - Fix external trigger duration in linescan has no effet - Fix 12bits lut on 2nd camera 1.40 Build 263: November 16th 2004 (not functionnal) - Added external trigger2 event - Add all the fixes in X64-CL-iPro 1.00 Release 1.40 Build 264: November 17th 2004 - replace previous build 1.40 Build 265: November 24th 2004 - Flatline on a area scan camera 1.40 Build 266: November 25th 2004 - Fix spaceused prm in sapera host buffer after a xfer 1.40 Build 267: November 26th 2004 - Fix "pci bandwidth too low" interrupt, was not cleared (bug introduce in build 266) 1.40 Build 268: December 7th 2004 - Added support for "trigger source" 1.40 Build 269: December 9th 2004 - Fix flash controler: trigger to 2nd board (new fpga only) 1.40 Beta (Build 270): December 14th 2004 - Added support for flatfield correction with 10 or 12 bits per pixels in a 8 bits buffer. - Fix 10 Taps camera, bug when cropping is used: horizontal image shift. - Fix Dual channel camera with reverse channel order and 12 bits per pixels. 1.50 Beta (Build 300): December 14th 2004 - First build 1.50 Beta (Build 301): December 17th 2004 - Fix exf file for CamXpert to support ext. trigger source. - Fix 10 taps camera, crop height less then 16 lines generate a blue screen. - Fix 10 taps camera, EOB not allways received, new fpga. - Fix 10 Taps camera, Xfer event EONL count was incorrect. 1.50 Beta (Build 302): December 23th 2004 - Fix Setting Line integration would reset the frame in linescan - Added resynchronization of frame when the camera cable is disconnected 1.50 Beta (Build 303): January 18th 2005 - Added support for one flatfield buffer per host buffer - Fix memory timing on X64-CL-EM, new fpga 1.50 Beta (Build 304): January 25th 2005 - Added support for flatfield and Bayer conversion at the same time - The cyling mode can now be change while the Xfer module is connected. - Added support for "trigger source" = camera control to board sync 1.50 Beta (Build 305): January 28th 2005 - Added support for 16 Taps camera with binarization 1.50 Beta (Build 306): February 7th 2005 - Added support for 16 Taps camera with binarization 1.50 Beta (Build 307): February 15th 2005 - Fix Binarization, new fpga 1.50 Beta (Build 308): February 25th 2005 - Added support for ext line trigger source to board sync 1.50 Beta (Build 309): March 9th 2005 - Added support for ext line trigger source CC to board sync 1.50 Beta (Build 310): March 11th 2005 - Added paramter to support time integration while readout 1.50 Beta (Build 311): March 14th 2005 - Fix inverse board sync signal when use as a line trigger 1.50 Beta (Build 312): March 15th 2005 - Fix taps 8 bits alternad from right to left (bug introduce in build 308) 1.50 Beta (Build 313): March 16th 2005 - Optimize PC utilization when calling callback functions (problem when nb buffer > 5000) 1.50 Beta (Build 314): March 18th 2005 - Fix problem with CorDeviceManager, was allways asking to update the board 1.50 Beta (Build 315): March 23th 2005 - Optimize 800x256 10 taps - Fix CorDeviceManager, was allways asking to update the board 1.50 Beta (Build 316): April 26th 2005 - New Board sync control 1.50 Beta (Build 317): April 28th 2005 - Fix support for new CXM interface - Fix new CorDeviceManager, was not updating the registry - Change tap position for camera 2 Bases with 2 taps and 2 channels. 1.50 Beta (Build 318): June 9th 2005 - Fix tap position for camera 2 Bases with 2 taps and 2 channels, the channels were flipping 1.50 Beta (Build 319): June 15th 2005 - Fix nap in linescan, a frame wasn't allways generated - Use CBF file instead of CBN - Fix event "Frame Lost" on 2nc camera - Added support for "SetCycleMode" while Xfer is connected June 20th 2005 - Fix product if for the X64-CL-DUAL, firmware update was failling for this board - Fix GioReset would fail, if the GIO default input level was 24 Volts in eeprom. - Fix the serial communication would stop when the first sapera application is loaded. - Added support for Flatfield on the X64-CL-EM (test) June 28th 2005 - Added check for color lut, not available for 2 taps color. July 22th 2005 - New driver numerotation August 15th 2005 - Fix board bandwidth when 2 camera is used with 2 taps interleaved - Fix many problem with serial port. August 23th 2005 - New FPGA, fix Grab stop when the external trigger is used and a trigger is pending, one frame will be capture atfer the grab September 13th 2005 - Fix External trigger in linescan, use the vertical inhibit control September 22th 2005 - Fix line integration pulses jitter Octoberber 31th 2005 - Fix serial port receive fifo increase to 2KB. The Rx fifo is now read in the interrupt routine. November 3th 2005 - Fix board reset, may cause a blue screen November 11th 2005 - Fix unplugging the camera cable on the 2nd camera, could cause a image shift. November 22th 2005 - Fix color lut on X64-CL Dual board wasn't available - Fix serial port speed 115200, the baud rate was incorrect. November 28th 2005 - Fix problem with pci interrupt pin December 20th 2005 - Fix image desynchonization when disconnecting and thrn connecting the camera cable while grabbing - Fix remove cancel button in CorDeviceManger when run from pc bootup December 23th 2005 - Fix memory controler for format 10Taps (noise or no grab) - Fix problem with pci interrupt pin (new fpga) January 13th 2006 - Fix selection of the host buffers. the 127th buffers was invalid. - Fix selection of a buffer with index > 127 was selecting the previous buffer. - Fixed multi-cpu issue when I/O interrupts are coming in too fast. - Fix camera 10 Taps with board X64-CL with 32 or 128MB January 20th 2006 - Fix selection of the host buffers. the 127th buffers was invalid. - Fix selection of a buffer with index > 127 was selecting the previous buffer. - Fix Firmware Update for 1 base board, do not allow 10Taps configuration. January 31th 2006 - Fix memory controler for format 10Taps (noise) March 8th 2006 - Fix serial port on 2nd camera, wasn't working March 9th 2006 - Fix front-end, the abort when no line and pixel clock is present cause the first line to be discardted. March 17th 2006 - Fix external frame trigger count, count wasn't accurate. New FPGA, all configuration March 24th 2006 - Fix FFC with line > 8KB - Fix frent-end register for camera #1 when camera #2 is used, some register were overwritten. April 6th 2006 - Fix external virtual frame count, count wasn't accurate. New FPGA, all configuration April 12th 2006 - Release May 8th 2006 - same driver as, only the fpgas has change. - Snap of n frames in linescan: 1 frame less could be capture under certain condition. - When capturing a variable frame length, false events "miss trig" could be generated. May 8th 2006 - Orbotech: Made a new intall. - Uses fgpa from version JUly 14th 2006 - Fix kernel driver, the event 'Flash OK' was perseved as 'No Pixel clock': that cause a reset to be done and the last image capture was incomplete. August 4th 2006 - New fpga to fix memory controller on X64-CL-EM August 16th, 2006 - New fpga to fix memory controller on X64-CL EM August 23rd, 2006 - Fixed long delay when running Device Manager with boards that have an eeprom not initialized. September 19th, 2006 - Release