================================================================================== Sapera Processing Version 5.20 December 24th 2003 ================================================================================== Table of Contents - Disk Contents - What's New - System Requirements - Installation - Compatibility information - Compilation information *********************************************************************************** Disk Contents \Bin - Utility programs \Demos - Demonstration programs \Help - Online documentation files (Compiled HTML and PDF) \Images - Images files used by demos \Include - Header files \Lib - Import libraries (for Microsoft Visual C++) \System32 - Dynamic-Link-Libraries (DLL's) *********************************************************************************** What's New - New Barcode Tool - Decodes 1D and 2D barcodes. - 1-D codes: Code39, Code128, UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN8, EAN13, Interleaved 2 of 5, BC412, Codabar - 2-D codes: Data Matrix (ECC200) - Automatic detection of barcode position - Automatic detection of 1-D code type - Automatic detection of black or white code - Completely invariant to full-rotation, scale and lighting - Speed-optimized algorithms - Tolerant to non-linear contrast variations in the background - Possible manual specification of position and orientation of 1-D codes for more speed - Demos - New "Acquisition Shell" - Acquisition-only demo class to separate frame-grabber access from processing code. - Three different implementations of the shell based on: Sapera-LT, IFC and file-only. - Many demos come in three versions corresponding to the three implementations. - Added display and file utilities to remove dependency on Sapera-LT's view and file modules. - Image Processing Tool - Added new adaptive thresholding technique. - Added "Copy" method in the CProVector class. - OCR Tool - Added "ResetParameters" method to reset all the parameters to their default values. - Blob Tool - Added new adaptive thresholding technique. - Added "SelectById" and "GetId" methods to allow filtering blobs based on their IDs. - Added "ResetParameters" method to reset all the parameters to their default values. - When using adaptive threshold, the computed value can now be read back. - General - Now displays first dongle and first board found in the License Manager. - Added a "Refresh" option to the License Manager. - Fixed minor bugs in the library. *********************************************************************************** System Requirements - PCI-bus IBM PC or compatible with Pentium class or later processor - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6), Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP - Microsoft Visual C++ compiler 6.0 or later - Optionally: Sapera-LT 4.20 (or higher) or IFC 5.7 (or higher) for executing and recompiling demos - A license file, refer to the following section *********************************************************************************** Installation 1. Install Sapera Processing as follows: - Insert installation CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive. - From Windows Explorer, run launch.exe. - Follow the installation program's on-screen instructions. Note: At the end of the installation, the protection key driver will be installed. You must remove all USB dongles from your system before continuing. 2. Optionally install Sapera-LT 4.20 (or higher) or IFC 5.7 (or higher) to allow demo programs using any Coreco frame grabber. 3. Register License File: - Start the Coreco License Manager from the installation menu. - Click on the "Load License" button. - Load the license file ".lic" provided on a diskette with your package. This file contains all the passwords corresponding to the tools you purchased. - See the section "Registering Passwords" of the manual for more information. *********************************************************************************** Compatibility information 1. Previous Sapera Processing versions: - Sapera Processing 5.20 is fully compatible with Sapera Processing 5.00 and 5.10. - Sapera Processing 5.xx is not programmatically backwards compatible with Sapera Processing 4.20. However most of the functions have been reused. See the section "Backwards Compatibility" of the manual for more information. - The Smart-Search module of Sapera Processing 4.20 have been replaced by the Search Tool. - The Smart-OCR module of Sapera Processing 4.20 have been replaced by the OCR Tool. - The Smart-Matrix module of Sapera Processing 4.20 have been replaced by the Barcode Tool. - Sapera Processing 4.20 and 5.xx can be installed and used simultaneously. 2. Sapera-LT and IFC: - The Sapera Processing library is independent of Sapera-LT and IFC. The Sapera Processing library may therefore be used with any frame-grabber API. - Some of the Sapera Processing demos use a frame-grabber for image acquisition. Those demos are available in three executable versions based on: Sapera-LT, IFC and file-only. - When recompiling the Sapera Processing demos under Visual Studio .NET, the SapClassGui module of Sapera LT 4.20 (used by some of the demos) MUST also be recompiled. The reason is that there is a compatibility issue between MFC versions of VS6 and VS.NET. *********************************************************************************** Compilation information 1. Demos based on Sapera LT (configurations "Debug Sapera" and "Release Sapera" in project file) If Sapera LT was installed in a directory containing spaces, there might be a linking error. You can modify the SAPERADIR environment variable in your OS setting by adding " " around the path. To recompile the demos under Visual Studio .NET: - With Sapera LT 4.20 follow the procecure in the manual. - With Sapera LT 5.00 (or later) ignore the procedure in the manual, instead change the path of SapClassGui library in "Projects/Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies": - replace $(saperadir)\lib\SapClassGuiD.lib by $(saperadir)\lib\.net\SapClassGuiD.lib - and $(saperadir)\lib\SapClassGui.lib by $(saperadir)\lib\.net\SapClassGui.lib 2. Demos based on IFC (configurations "Debug IFC" and "Release IFC" in project file) If you get the error "cannot find IFC.H", you can add the path manually in "Tools\Options\Projects\VC++Directories". 1. Select "Include Files" in "Show Directories For" and add \Include. 2. Select "Library Files" in "Show Directories For" and add \Lib.