================================================================================== SAPERA LT for Windows NT/2000 Version history Version 1.00: - First Official Release Version 1.10: - Improved documentation - New Font Generator program - The CorGraphicText function has a default font, and supports two new types of alignment (centered & right) - Processing Demo supports image processing on Servers (e.g. Cobra C60 Server) other than the Host Server - Registration of Servers is now performed by each Sapera compatible driver, instead of being done by the Sapera Configuration program. - New Active X methods to access the image - New Acquisition Parameters to support Multi-tap digital cameras - New C6x API Module - Changes to the prototype of the following functions: CorXferRegisterCallback CorViewGetLut CorViewSetLut See the "Incompatibilities" section below - Ability to create a Sapera buffer based on a physical address and a buffer format. - Works properly in a multi-process environment Version 1.20: - New Camera Expert that do not overwrite CORACQ_PRM_OUTPUT_ENABLE parameter - Modified Acquisition Demo for Display options support. - Added better error handling when changing buffer options. - Added initialization of CORVIEW_PRM_WIN_SRC_LEFT and CORVIEW_PRM_WIN_SRC_TOP parameters to 0 when enabling/disabling window resizing feature. - Added File Module support - Added Pixel Processor Module support. - Modified Acquisition Demo for pixel processor support. Version 2.00: - General I/O module. - Counter/Time-Stamp module. - File module. - Array module. - Pixel processor high level API. - New classes of functions in the processing module. - Segmentation - Frequency Domain Image Transformation - Color conversion - Complex Image manipulation - Functions in the acquisition module: CorAcqrRegisterCallback CorAcqUnregisterCallback - Functions in the transfer module: CorXferLinkCounterStamp CorXferUnlinkCounterStamp - Functions in the manager module: CorManReleaseServer CorManResetServer - Cycling transfer mode with trash buffer (CORXFER_VAL_CYCLE_MODE_SYNCH_WITH_TRASH_BUFFER) - Demo to show the use of the transfer module in cycle mode. - OCX for the File Module. - OCX for the Array Module. - Support for pseudo-coloring in the View module. - SAPERA handles are now represented by a pointer. - Direct Draw Capabilities Detection Tool. - SAPERA messaging thread and callback handling thread priorities have been increased. - Improved CamExpert (better support for LineScan cameras) Version 2.10: - Improved SAPERA messaging mecanism: + message queues size have been increased so SAPERA is more tolerant to Win32 latency; + priority of the threads that manage message queues have been increased so messages are delivered faster (to/from the board from/to the application). - Changed base addresses used when loading SAPERA modules so SAPERA applications load faster. - Removed limitation on contiguous memory size (< 64 MB) introduced in version 2.0. - Added functions to reset a specific SAPERA module. By calling one of this function, all handles that have been got from the corresponding module become invalid and must not be used anymore. They should be used with caution to recover resources that have not been released the usual way. CORSTATUS CorAcqResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorDisplayResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorProResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorXferResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorGraphicResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorPixProResetModule( CORSERVER hServer); - Added automatic detection of unusable server present in the SAPERA server database. - Added the capability to the File module to read CRC file generated using SAPERA version 1.20. - Changed SAcqDemo so it's now possible to specify a camera and a video input conditionning (VIC) files on startup. - Changed SAcqdemo so when loading a video input conditionning file (VIC), it's now possible to force the buffer size to follow the size of the acquired data. - Fixed a bug with interlaced color lookup table. - Fixed CorViewGetLut and CorViewSetLut for interlaced color lookup table. Version 3.00: - Support for Windows 2000 - New software packaging Sapera Lite Library was renamed "Sapera Library" which includes all Sapera modules but the Sapera Processing modules. The Sapera Processing modules (Pro, Kernel and Array) are provided in a separate package called "Sapera Processing Library". - Scatter-gather support + Added support in the buffer module for creating scatter-gather buffers. + Added support in the transfer module to transfer to scatter-gather buffers. * When starting an application using scatter-gather buffers under Windows NT 4.00, an user must have the SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME privilege. Users in the Administrators and Power Users groups generally have this privilege. To grant this privilege to a user, use the Windows NT User Manager as followed: - Log on with Administrator privileges - Start the User Manager ( from the Administrative Tools folder). - Select 'User rights...' in the Policies popup menu. - From the 'User Rights Policy' dialog box: - Check the 'Show Advanced User Rights' checkbox. - Select 'Increase scheduling priority' in the 'Rights' combo box. - Click on the 'Add' button - From the 'Add Users and Groups' dialog box - Click on 'Show Users' button and select the user in the 'Names' list box - Click on 'Add'. - Click on 'OK. - Click on 'Ok' - Major redesign of CamExpert's user interface - Improved documentation (e.g. Sapera Acquisition Reference manual) - New functions ( see reference manuals) CORSTATUS CorManExecuteCmd( CORSERVER hServer, const char *szCmdLine); CORSERVER CorManGetLocalServer( void); CORSTATUS CorManGetRemoteServerByName( CORSERVER hServer, const char *szServerName); BOOLEAN CorManIsMambaHandle( CORSERVER hServer); BOOLEAN CorManIsSystemHandle( CORSERVER hServer); CORSTATUS CorManMapBuffer( UINT32 physicalAddr, UINT32 size, void **virtualAddr); CORSTATUS CorManSetLocalServerName( const char *szNewServerName); CORSTATUS CorAcqSoftwareTrigger( CORACQ hAcq, UINT32 triggerType); CORSTATUS CorManUnmapBuffer( void *virtualAddr); CORSTATUS CorManUserCmd( CORSERVER hServer, UINT32 cmd, void *inData, UINT32 inDataSize, void *outData, UINT32 outDataSize); - Error Messages + New function CorManGetStatusTextEx providing more information. + New function CorManGetStatusContext allowing to get contextual error string. - ActiveX Controls and demos + Added functions to Common control allowing to get information on servers and instances. + Updated Buffer, Xfer and CAB ActiveX controls to support complete Sapera API. + New acquisition demos (for Visual C++ and Visual Basic). - Enabled RGB888 format for the "Blit" mode in CorView module. Version 3.10: - SapServer was converted to a service (allows applications to be run on a remote server, such as Mamba, without logging in). - Added new functions to share handles between servers. (allows accessing a resource created by another server). - Added support for JPEG and AVI formats in File module. - Added support for auto-sync detection in Acq module. - Added support for multi-port in CAB and Xfer modules (Viper-Quad specific). - General improvement of the View module (support for DirectX 8 under Windows 2000). - Added new lock mechanism in Buffer module to protect access to video memory. - New set of C++ Classes to simplify application development. - Major rework of demos using C++ classes. - Help files converted to compiled HTML (requires Internet Explorer 3.00 or later). - New CAB User's Manual. Version 4.00 (released on July 27, 2001): - Support for Bandit II and Rebel-Digital frame grabbers. - First official release of Sapera C++ classes. - Modifications to demonstration programs to support new C++ classes. - New Sapera Application Wizard to create simple applications based on C++ classes. - New CabAnalyzer utility to determine the CAB connections prensent in your system. - New CabMambaDemo showing capabilities of the CAB and processing on multiple Mamba boards. Version 4.10 (released on May 8, 2002): New Features: - Improved CamExpert's user interface - New startup menu to select a camera configuration file - - Improved and restructured Sapera documentation - Sapera Acquisition Reference manual is merged in the Sapera Basic Reference manual Some sections of this manual are available in help format only - Sapera CAB User's manual and Sapera Board specific Manual replaced by two new manuals: - Sapera CAB Programmer's manual (hardcopy provided with Mamba documentation only) - Sapera Pixel Processor Programmer's manual (Hardcopy provided with the appropriate board documentation - Improved Sapera User's manual - General improvement of reference documentation - New GrabDemo and SAcqDemo renamed as AdvancedGrabDemo - Move SapServer, SapVirtualUser, CabHostDemo and CabServerDemo to Mamba driver - Added support for configurable CamLink's camera control signal connectors (CC1-CC4) - Added new CorParam module for managing parameters stored in files - Added new automatic data type conversions in the CorFile module - Added support for dummy buffer type - Added new buffer cycling modes to transfer module - New display performance tool to measure Sapera display speed - Increased the number of scatter-gather buffers that can be allocated - Added automatic view window creation in view module - Added support for secondary display - Added TWAIN support Important Fixes: - Fixed poor accuracy of YUV to RGB conversions - Fixed memory allocation problem with child buffers - Fixed deadlock conditions when using Direct Draw for display Version 4.20 (released on December 20, 2002): New Features: - Added Bayer filtering functions. - Added Bayer filtering demo - Added buffer data format conversion functions - Added support for programmable display (CorDisplaySetMode) - Added support for JPEG 2000 file format - Added support for the X64 series - Added support for the serial port driver (CorSerial) - Added support for LUTs with number of input bits larger than number of output bits, for example, 10 to 8 bits - Added DirectShow driver Important Fixes: - Improved crash recovery mechanism when one of many concurrently running Sapera application terminates abnormally