|================================================================================== Bandit II Driver for Sapera Imaging Library for Windows NT/2000/XP WA-BIIS-DRV3x History ################################################################################################################## Version 2.00 (Build 112) July 5th, 2004 New Features - Dual Display support with the RGB Model and all Bandit II AGP Models, W2000 & XP Only. - Added support using the Bandit II in Extended Desktop mode under W2000 & XP. See the Known Limitations section for more info about using Extended Desktop. - Increased the maximum pixel clock rate supported by the Bandit II Digital Module/Board from 30MHz to 60MHz. Note that in order to use a clock higher than 30MHz, the number of input bits from the camera must be 8-bits, 1 tap, 1 channel, and the output pixel format set to Monochrome 8-bit. Any other settings will limit the pixel clock rate to 30MHz. Note that the number of input LUTs have been reduced from 4 to 2. - Improved Serial Port performance: Increase of transmit/receive fifo size (requires Sapera LT 5.0 or later) - Added support for Product License Key: MVTools, Sherlock, Sapera Processing Fixes - Abilitity to create overlay surfaces (no limitations). It was possible to get an Out Of Memory error. - Fine tuning of the timeout/threshold registers for primary(1,2) & secondary(1&2) surfaces. - When switching the 2nd monitor to 'Same As Desktop' the hardware cursor was enabled even if there was no hardware cursor active. It was possible to see a fixed cursor on the 2nd monitor - If W2000/XP entered Monitor PowerDown (energy saving), upon waking up, the 2nd monitor would not display correctly. - In BanditIIPro, Override Hide() method in BanditIIView class so that the view is only hidden on the system display - New Bandit-II Digital firmware that routes properly bits 10 & 11 for 12-bit acquisition. - Possible system crash when using multiple boards with the Win2000/XP driver (if different IRQL assigned by system). - Fixed Validation of the parameter CORVIEW_PRM_ROI_SRC_TOP. - Fixed corruption of VGA CRTC registers with the SavageIx/Mx display driver WNT/W2000/XP. * Symptoms: acquisition does not start and/or stop, events do not happen anymore. * Problem would appear when using a hardware cursor: WNT: Cursor scheme = None W2000/XP: Cursor scheme = None, and Enable Shadow box is NOT checked. * Note: the 'I' cursor for editing is always hardware. - Fixed update of keying color drawing: Some regions where not getting drawn properly. In the End of Frame callback of application, make a call to the Show function instead of the OnPaint function. - On SuperSavage, if overlay buffer was created with a host server, grabbing would do a DMA to this memory instead of just grabbing directly to the memory. - On the 2nd monitor, shrinking of overlay image was not functional. - Possible system crash when grab is not stopped by an application before this application is terminated or killed. Bug was introduced in version 1.70 of the driver. - When running the Bandit II as an independent display (not VGA), it was not possible to change the view size or position parameters from their default values. - When changing the 2nd monitor TV out from Live Video to Same As Desktop, the pixel depth of the TV out was not restored to the same one as the desktop. This could be seen when the desktop was in 256 color mode, or 16-bit color mode. - For extended desktop, the video cards do not need to be set to the same pixel depth. - Fixed possible loss of characters when receiving them on the Serial Port. - For the digital module: * setting the Hsync/VSync polarity using the function CorAcqSetPrm was not functional. * make the CORACQ_PRM_SCALE_HORZ/VERT follow the CORACQ_PRM_CROP_WIDTH/HEIGHT since scaling is not supported. - Acquired image from BanditII-MV, camera #3 are black when LUT is enabled: LUT was not written to hardware - Possible I2C communication failure with the Monochrome/RGB A/D. - Fixed usage of parameter CORACQ_PRM_EXT_TRIGGER_FRAME_COUNT: number of frames acquired per trigger. - With CV/MV boards, on some computers, the DMA transfers optimized by blocks of 4kB does not allow enough time for the floppy drive to work properly. Added a registry entry (CurrentControlSet\Services\CorBdii\Parameters\ForceOneDmaEntryPerLine) which enables a user to force one DMA entry per line. This will give enough breaks on the PCI bus for the floppy to work. - Time integration method #1 was not using the CORACQ_PRM_TIME_INTEGRATE_DELAY value. - TV parameters were not saved between sessions: Brightness, Contrast, Color, Tint, Flicker, Resize and Position. - The range for the scroll bar of the TV parameters Brightness, Contrast, Color and Tint was not full range. - When running the Bandit II as an independent display (not VGA), and the resolution of the VGA output was set to a resolution of 1280x1024, display of live image was not correct: the last line of the live image was repeated the exact number of times as the requested number of lines to be displayed from the live image. - Acquisition parameter CORACQ_CAP_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BYTE_MULT is now 8 bytes, a limitation of the DMA engine. - The CorBdii.Sys service now starts with a priority of 'system' instead of 'automatic'. On some systems a Sapera application was able to start before the service was started causing the error 'No board found'. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.80 December 20th, 2002 Hardware Supported - Bandit II, CV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, MV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, RGB Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, Digital Model, AGP/PCI - Hirose Optional Module (for MV Model only) - I/O Optional Module (for MV and RGB model) - Digital Optional Module (for MV and RGB model) New Features - Support for Bandit II CV / AGP - Support for Bandit II as an independent display (not VGA) - Support for multiple Bandit II in one system when the Bandit IIs are all independent displays. - Support for fix anti-aliasing filters on MV/RGB models (Rev B1 and up, and A6 and up). - Support for Serial Port using standard Windows comm port (needs Sapera 4.20) Fixes - Memory leak when disconnecting & releasing xfer handles of host-to-video transfers. - When using an Optional Hirose module, the Master VS was not output. - When using a Bandit II AGP or Bandit II RGB, under W2000/XP, with a resolution of 1280x1024 overlay surfaces were not possible. A no memory error would occur. - Misleading error code for Transfer In Progress. One would get a 'software error'. - When upgrading the driver (de-installation, soft-reboot, install, soft-reboot), if the PC was not powered down, the on-board FPGA would not get re-programmed to the new version because the driver saw that the FPGA was already loaded. - Due to some I2C problems related to switch boxes and some monitors, the PnP monitor detection is now disabled by default. If one wants to re-enable the feature, modify the registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BdIIVgaM and BdIIVgaSM \Device0\EnablePNPMonitor = 1. - When using horizontal flipping with the CV model, it was possible that the acquisition would not start. - When using a Bandit II MV/RGB, after using time integration method 1, 2 or 4, then returning to acquisition in free-running mode, images acquired will miss fields or images will be black. - If an acquired image is cropped (for example source image is 640x480, and the cropping is set to 320x240), and the destination buffer size is greater than the cropped image (for example 640x480), the source image size (in this case 640x480) was transfered. - Next 2 fields acquisition using the MV/RGB acquisition module was only grabbing Odd/Even fields (bug introduced in v:1.70) - If 2 Bandit II applications were started at the same time, possible crash of one or both application was possible during the initialization phase of the driver. - Under W2000/XP, if in the Power Schemes, 'Turn off the monitor' was enabled and took effect, upon returning to monitor On, OpenGL applications would not work anymore. - OpenGL was not enabled when using the Bandit II RGB and all Bandit II AGP (all OSes). The OpenGL driver was not registered properly in the registry. - Possible bad detection of the Ths8083(A) part. Symptoms would be a badly synchronized dark image. - Display selection of the 2nd monitor using the standard NTSC-Japan was not working. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.70 July 25th, 2002 Hardware Supported - Bandit II, CV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, MV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, RGB Model, AGP - Hirose Optional Module (for MV Model only) - I/O Opitional Module (for MV and RGB Model) New Features - Optimization of overlay updates. - Optimization of overlay scale down. - Support for the SuperSavage (Bandit II, RGB Model) - Reduced the time it takes to start an acquisition to below 0.2 usec. - Support for pixel/line dropping using the VIP registers of the SavageIX/MX. Note 1: The SuperSavage does not have this feature. Note 2: If the output pixel format is Mono8, pixels dropped/kept is done in groups of 2. This will not give a linear scale down. The scale down is up to 1/16. Note 3: If the output pixel format is RGB32, the scale down is up to 1/16 Note 4: If the output pixel format is YUY2, the scale down is up to 1/32 - Support for YUY2 output pixel format with the Monochrome acquisition module (MV & RGB) - Support for Master VS - Support for Separate Sync acquisition - Support for Optional I/O Module - Support for Optional Hirose Module - Support for RGB acquisition - Support for upgraded A/D part THS8083A on MV & RGB models - Optimized switching of camera selector on the MV. - Added BanditIIPro Demo Fixes - On a Bandit II CV, the external trigger on level high feature was not working properly. The acquisition would not stop even though a low level signal was applied. Also, if the high level was already present when starting the acquisition, no images were captured. A transition from high to low to high was needed. - On a Bandit II MV, when acquiring images, if one starts a second Sapera application the Bandit II could stop grabbing or the acquisition could behave erratically. - PAL interlaced images acquired with the Bandit II MV is now functioning properly: the odd/even fields were inverted and one field shifted by one line, giving the impression that the acquired image was ok. But the Odd field was placed in the even location and the even field in the odd location. - Odd field decimation using the Bandit II MV is now functional. If one asked to decimate the Odd fields, the driver would still decimate the even fields. - Fixed corrupted pixels on display of SavageMx PCI at 1280x1024 32bpp 85hz. - It was possible for the DMA 'video to host' to stop operating if there was no VGA activity. - Using the DMA engine to transfer images (transfers from video to host buffer or host buffer to video) at the same time as the Video Engine Unit (ie scaling down of overlayed images) could cause the computer to hang. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.60 May 7th, 2002 Hardware Supported - Bandit II, CV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, MV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, RGB Model, AGP/PCI (Monochrome/CV only acquisition) New Features - Vertical Flipping (host memory only, Sapera 4.10 and later) - Dual Display, different image on monitors (Sapera 4.10 and later) - DMA transfers from a Host buffer to a Video buffer or from a Video Buffer to a Host buffer using a Transfer module. - Support for the Savage MX chip. Fixes - Freezing of the computer would occur if changing monitor setup during a live acquisition. This includes: - changing of the resolution/pixel depth or refresh rate of the main VGA monitor using the Windows Display Properties page - enabling/disabling the secondary display using the BdIIDual utility accessible through the Windows Display Properties page - Disonnection of transfers would not free up all the allocated resources causing the system to run out of memory. - Using an MV model, with the secondary monitor enabled, moving a live image dialog box would crash the PC. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.50 January 30th, 2002 Hardware Supported - Bandit II, CV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, MV Model, AGP/PCI - Bandit II, RGB Model, AGP/PCI (Monochrome/CV only acquisition) New Features - Support for Bandit II, MV Model, AGP/PCI - Support for Bandit II, RGB Model, AGP/PCI (Monochrome/CV only acquisition) - Open GL is now available for Windows NT and 2000. - Next 2 fields acquisition for CV acquisition. - Under Windows 2000/XP, Bandit II can now reside in the computer along with another VGA card. Note that the Bandit II must boot as the main VGA card. Fixes - If a 2nd VGA monitor was plugged to the Bandit II, then enabled, then disconnected, the driver still thought that the 2nd VGA monitor was connected. - Fixed acquisition and events of interlaced video when field order is Even/Odd. - Fixed noise on the display when using animated cursors. - Fixed possible freezing of WNT display driver. - Installation can now be done successfully using a long path name with spaces. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.10 November 26th, 2001 New Features - Support for Windows XP - Support for function CorManGetServerBySerialNumber - Output pixel format can now be Monochrome, 8 bits/pixel. - Support for CORACQ_PRM_EXT_TRIGGER_FRAME_COUNT: Number of frames to acquire per external trigger. Fixes - The driver can now run without the user having 'administrator' rights. - It was possible to get a bad display format when Windows was changing to/from text mode to graphics mode. The displayed image was elongated in the vertical direction. - DirectDraw capabilities were not always present. - Vertical bar artifact could be seen when acquiring images using the composite video input. - Noisy pixels could be seen on the display. This was a visual effect, the pixels in memory had the correct values. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.01: September 21st, 2001 Hardware Supported - Bandit II, CV Model New Features - Support for Windows 2000 - Support for VGA output on secondary display (same resolution & pixel depth as primary display) See table of display capabilities at the end of this file Fixes - Overlay could stay active once activated. So when not displaying overlay buffers it was possible to still see the overlayed image in the areas of the desktop where the color of a pixel matched the keying color. - Deadlock was possible if disconnecting a live acquisition without waiting for the transfer to be terminated (ie. using CorXferWait). - Fixed shadow effect that could be seen when grabbing with a Y/C color input. - Improved quality of Composite Color input. ################################################################################################################## Version 1.00: July 20th, 2001 - First Release